I've seen here in the past little bit where our new members are joining like 906 groups just so they can get to the top of the point list and he's not the only one, plus people post like a zillion pictures too. I say if we keep the point system then it should be based on just how you participate in the forum section. Just my opinion, I guess I needed to vent .................. sorry.

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i like paul montpetit's reply on this discussion. if some one has so much time on their hands as to post comment after comment and place picture after picture and so on ad nauseam, well they probably aren't spending too much time on the fire ground or at the scene of m.v.a. s. i guess if racking up seemingly useless "points" is your thing then go ahead. i don't see as it harms anyone. it's just not "my thing". stay safe out there and may God bless.
Has anyone noticed the points chasers are not posting on this forum message?
We could all post 20 times a piece and jump some of our more points conscious members...yeah yeah thats it!

Personally I think I should get double points for using bold or italics in my responses...where is the justice?

Actually I jest, but it is interesting that people with a month or less have managed to bump memberls like Art, Mary Ellen, Joe, Paul etc off the top end of the list.

Yall be safe and take care Wally
I agree with you T.J..Either base it on forum participation or get rid of it is my thought.
OMG....the inhumanity...!!!! I'm not at the top..??!!! Oh well, I'm still the first one in the door....bet not too many of them can say that...can they...?? LOL Stay safe all (even you yard breathers) Keep the faith........Paul
It's not about QUANTITY.
It's about QUALITY.
I could post a thousand "I fight what you fear" diddies, but it would be pointless.
I could post a gizillion pictures of my grandson, but that would be pointless.
I could post the same flashover and backdraft videos as everyone else, but that would be pointless.
I'd rather post my thoughts, because contrary to what Ted says, I DO have a point.
so the point is i didnt even know we got points lol guess ill have to check
We get points?
Sure...!!! And if you get the most you win a trip to Aruba....!!!! Paul
"Has anyone noticed the points chasers are not posting on this forum message?"

Gee, this is kind of a challenge for me considering that I'm numero uno... I've never considered myself a point chaser and actually racked up a ton of points only because I had surgery from an injury that occurred while fighing a wildland fire earlier this year. I think I would have gone nuts had I not had the ability to get to know folks and share things on the FFN. Sure has been fun learning how to blog and post photos and videos. To be honest, I have to give thanks to my daughters who were a lot more computer savy than I was...

Now, I'm back to work in a light duty position and still find myself checking out the FFN daily. I have made friends all over the world throug the FFN and for that alone I am very grateful. Having been involved in this career since 1973, and working my way through the ranks, the one thing that has always kept me motivated is teaching and sharing information. If you do this consistently on the FFN, you end up racking a ton of points. Not everyone has the resources and training that some of us have and as a result, I feel it a personal responsibility to help other out who don't have these resources, hence my posts and blogs...

I personnally don't have much time for some of the sillyness you see on the word game posts and other mindless rantings that don't really do much to further our education and knowledge base. When I post discussions, many times it's a result of my needing specific information on something. Why go through a learning curve when you have so many folks out there with more expertice than I do in some things. It's the networking and personal relationships through the FFN that makes all of this so worthwhile. If you approach this right, the FFN can be an invaluable tool for you.

After the one new top Guru was posted, I found it odd that this individual had only joined 900 plus groups, but had not real photos posted, only generic stuff... plus there were no videos, blog disussion posts, photos, nada... I wrote Webmaster Dave and asked what was up and was told that the individual simply used the system to gain points... no secrets, no hidden agendas, just the basics...

So, if you want to be number one, simply join all the groups... But I challenge all of you to seek the best in yourself and your department's, challenge yourself and actually create meaningful / purposeful discussions, not silly little snipets asking things that no one really cares about to begin with... Posts now pretty much come and go, with only five discussions viewed on the main page now. One has to remember this, and click on the more detailed discussion logs to select what is something cool to read and get involved with.

If you have an expertice in a subject, you need to share your experience and knowledge base with others. I think that often times, many folks who participate on the FFN forget that this is an international forum.
When we start talking about Orbs and Ghosts, a reasonable person would ask, "WTF?". Keep in mind that not everyone is from the USA, and have a much different mind set than we are used to. I hope we all continue to attempt to raise the bar in regard to subject matter and the FFN post content.

2009 is one day away... I truly look forward to continuing to learn and share things with all of you. We are a family for those who actually get to do this gig. And for those who aspire to get a badge and serve the public, don't stop. Like Joe Dirt said, "you've got to keep on keeping on!"

Mike from Santa Barbara
Hey Mike...I just checked my points and I am all the way up to the rank of dumbass....Damn, I guess my Chief was right afterall.....LOL Paul
I thought it was CUBA.
I have already cut out a suitcase to bring back cigars.
Guess I need to get a new suitcase.
You know, though; they have a Harley shop in Aruba.
wait a minute, I didn't hear about the Aruba trip... do you think that it includes tropical drinks with umbrellas?


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