ok so my aunt lives about 2 hours away from here and can't really figure out exactly wat a junior firefighter does even though ive explained it to her before. Well she bought me this belt that says "Lady Firefighter" on it. Its cute, the letters are in pink and it has a malteese on it. The only thing is i dont want to seem to be something im not.. So as a female junior firefighter do i count as a lady firefighter?

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Jess you wear that belt proud your a young lady in the fire service and you got it from some one that is proud that your a firefighter and with out you young firefighters what are us old guys going to do and who to pick on and teach lol
"Career Professional Volunteers"....never heard that one before....interesting....
I would have to say wear it proudly. Yes, Continue the training and keep up the work. Ernest will get yall trained and in shape. Stay safe there in the big town of Bagdad
From my experiences, I would say "half" firefighter right now....once you get off your junior/rookie program then definately YES!!!

::The majority of our junior/rookie firefighters don't last 6 months due to our time requirements and the material we require them to learn before they can receive their black hat and function on the engine as a 4th then eventually 3rd person. Obviously if you are an active and interested junior firefighter, then I would sure::
yes u are and dont let anyone tell u differently. And make sure can do what can as a junior ff right know, cause it will help you further your training, ok. Stay safe. Mike
I say wear it proud. You're a lady, and your job title had the word "firefighter" in it. Stay safe!
I would have to say wear it . Wear it with pride sister!!!!!!
for Ashley,,,Career Professional Volunteer? Yep, I think so..in the modern volly depts we have to take the same training, pass the same tests etc as any fulltime professional firefighter, so, yes we are professionals too.
Enough answers yet Jess? I think it comes down to; you like it, it's 'cute', and you're not the sort of person who is likely to say she's something (a firefighter) that she's not. Go for it.

Now into the semantics. What is a 'lady'? A subjective view of a woman, her behaviour and character? A general term to denote the female half of the human race? An honourific entitled by the bestowal of a title under a civil honours system?

You'd better not claim the last definition, such 'titles' are not allowed by your constitution! Did you know that Knighthoods have been bestowed by the British Monarch on a few US Generals? The award being given for services to Britain. But they aren't allowed to use the 'Sir' in front of their name, to be called 'Sir (insert name here)'. Have a look at the 'foreign' awards that Eisenhower had for instance.

Has anyone ever seen a belt with 'Gentleman Firefighter' on it? Don't mind me Jess, I'm just being silly. You like the belt, wear it.
I woould say yes, you do the same training etc. go for it Jessica
stipulating that you are a lady (and i think you probably are) you can call yourself a fire fighter if you want, junior or not and age not withstanding. my advice is to hang in there and learn everything that you can while a junior. i hope that your department is supportive of your goals as well as the goals of any other junior fire fighters that there may be. after all, junior fire fighters are the future, if you will forgive the cliche'. some of the best firefighters that i have the honor and privilidge of knowing got their start as juniors.
most of all, i would like to add that we can all talk and debate until our faces are blue, but what do YOU think? stay safe out there and God bless.

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