Do you have a firefighter in your department or in your area. Decided to run for public office. Did the firefighter turned politician made a difference? Benefit your department, or created programs that benefited your community. Or the politician forgot where he came from and become someone else. Or worst, is your department supported that politician and back fire in the end? Can you share stories? No need to name names of course. Just your experience and stories that affect us firefighters and rest of the community.

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My previous Brigade has a State politician as a member. She was already a Member of Parliament when she came and joined us. The Captain (Chief in North America) hoped she would be able to do extra for us - no go. She's a good member of the Brigade, trained, turns out at all hours, even turns out with the Brigade closest to her electoral office! She can't use her membership of the CFA when campainging, it's strictly forbidden by the Fire Service. We're not allowed to be connected in any way to any political party. Strictly apolitical.

So no, we haven't had any issues. Not that I'm with that Brigade any more.
It's a good thing the border was defined pretty clearly.
a brother in the NE is a state rep and active BC for a large municipality.
My fire officer in my former brigade ran for office. He is a cool guy and a good leader so we think at that time he deserve a council seat. Then a few years later, he became in-charge of village public safety and security. We notice some change in him because of that power. And that for the worst and he became too complacent in his running things. One day he screwed up, they rounded up a lot of teenagers because of the noise complaint, a curfew violations and having a concert without a permit. Naturally some of the youths resisted arrest but the bad thing is, they crossed the line. Detaining youths for overnight without giving them a phone call, physical assault and not giving first aid to injured youths. The parents were outrage of the treatment and few days. It was all over the internet (sorry can't give you the link). Few months, it was settled with both parties but the reputation of that councilman was damaged for good. He ran for the second term and lost.

What happen to that guy? he became deputy fire chief in that brigade because of vacant post by default. In his day job? never entered politics again. He is now a cook in the newest bar in the country.

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