An excellent and informative Study worth looking at..........
Firefighter Disorientation Study developed by Capt. Willie Mora, (Ret) San Antonio FD
Firefighter Disorientation, which is loss of direction due to the lack of vision in a structure fire, is one of fire fighting’s most serious hazards and according to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), usually precedes firefighter fatality. In an effort to stop firefighter fatalities caused by smoke inhalation, burns, and traumatic injuries attributable to disorientation, a firefighter disorientation study was conducted. The study focused on 17 incidents occurring between 1979 and 2001 in which disorientation played a major part in 23 firefighter fatalities. In addition to other data, including interviews with firefighters involved in the incidents, the study was facilitated by the detailed information provided by the Firefighter Fatality Investigation Reports of The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The reports allowed for the study of specific incidents in which disorientation was known to have occurred. All incidents were closely examined with special attention given to:
1. The information about the structures involved
2. The conditions found on andafter arrival
3. The strategy and tactics utilized
4. The actions that occurred in the structure