Im looking for some ideas for some fundraisers to help raise money for our department and ieas would be appreciated

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Car Wash
Demilition Derby
Those are our big 4 fundraisers that we do each year.
cool thanks for the ideas i jot theses down and givem to they officers of our fire fighters association
yard sale
bbq chicken dinner
pork chop dinner
fish fry
wrestling matches
tractor pulls
mud slings
o yea cant forget bingo
wwo you guys are comming up with some good ones
truck/car shows
soup/chili suppers
And during those listed try selling a 50/50 raffle as well as some donation booths where people can fill the boot kind of stuff
My previous department did a comedy show. We hooked up with Comedy works ( to get large name acts from the comedy circut. We raised nearly 9,000 dollars that night. The owner helps you through the process from gettign sponsors to the night of the show.
We do two carnivals, car washes, tag day (Fill the boot), car show, Beef n Beverage, mail fund drive and do birthdays or special events, fill swimming pools
We do a car wash at our local Wal-Mart and they'll match what we make up to $2000. So you might want to give the a try if you've got one in your area.
We receive most of ou money from sending out donation letters to the home owners in our zone. We tell them what we have accomplished in the last year, what we plan in the future and so on.
The station back home sold bags of ice and Christmas trees.. Also another one pumped gas at a local store and got 10 cents per every gallon

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