I was wondering what your thoughts are, or what should happen to anyone on Fire Fighter Nation who is either accused or convicted of arson?

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I wanted to add this to Cat's posting but it was closed while I was typing it...guess I need to be a better "hunt and pecker" ;) here it is sorry for the back to back posts...
Cat, I agree with everyone else on here, no apologies are needed. The most important thing for you to do is keep on doing the right thing. You did the right thing by telling people about this community. We are fearless and brave in the face of danger. We are in the business of "worst days". Mr. Dunker made these decisions on his own. He must be the one to answer for his actions. I hope that he gets help for his issues. But I also hope that Mr. Dunker does not return to this service. This does not mean that we need to get a lynching mob together to take care of it. My personal opinion is that we do what we are doing now, discuss it, learn from it, and grow. Then shunning people like this away from this service is one of the worst punishments that man can have. Realizing for the rest of his life that he can no longer be part of the greatest service in the world, that's punishment to me! Keep up the good fight Cat, don't hesitate to invite more people to our great community. The one you pass may be the one that leads us into the future. Be safe and learn something new today.
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you all for all the comments, kind words and support. In no way was I looking for sympathy, as the post I wrote was just something I felt I had to do. However the support I have recieved here did feel like a bunch of hugs that I truly needed, and for that I thank you all. I am going to share those hugs with all my fellow FF and EMS families here at home. We will stick together and it will make us stronger. Take care and God Bless us all..Cat

Update..just got a call..he is looking at 14 counts as of now...what a mess!
Yes, but if you read the whole question, which is what you posted. You ask about a person that is accused or convicted. So, maybe you should correct that before trying to correct other people.
wow, if you or anyone that is in that area could keep at least me, if not all of us, advised on the future news about this I would appreciate it. Stay strong and will all stay together.
Just recieved a message..last count filed at Washington court house...28 counts and counting...can this get any worse? God help us all!!!!
Sounds like a good thing he was stopped when he was. In another discussion on Arson, I forgot to add the "hero" aspect. Unfortunately arson by fire fighters or other emergency personnel is not uncommon. They start fires so they can rescue people or put the fire out and are seen as a hero.

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