Just wanted to hear from some people who there favorite apparatus manufactures are !

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we have two built by Good Hope Fire Apparatus Inc. both are great trucks and did not cost alot as far as fire trucks go
we have run all types apparatuses we are now running smeal ladders and engines and I have to say that I have been more pleased with smeal than any other manufacture out there.
well for some reason our dept. is stuck on ALEXIS they are nice trucks but a little problem with their due dates.but otherwise we have a very awsome MARION 6 man heavy rescue squad; alexis f 450 brush truck, US TANKER 3000 gal (tanker obviously) stainless steel tank beautiful truck, alexis ford pumper getting old, replacement trucks that are comming: alexis pumper, and a new company TOYNE with a pumper/tanker we have never ordered from them before if any one has any ideas let me know thanx
my dept has all pierce i think there great trucks over anything alse
Has everyone seen that American LaFrance has declared bankruptcy?

E-One is a great truck. But this is just like Chevy, Ford, etc. It just depends on who you ask.
4 guys
Pierce and American LaFRANCE
Custom FIre Aperatus OUt of Osceola in wisconsin we have three trucks built by them great trucks good company anything form pumper/tanker to rescue truck to tanker they work with u on building the trucks
KME, Seagrave and Pierce
American LaFrance-Seagrave-Pierce-Stuphen
Segrave, FMC, and American LaFrance

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