I don't know if anyone else here is having a problem, but I have recently heard and also experienced several items that have been stolen from the department I am a member of as well as some items that have been stolen from my brothers. I have also recently heard of some neighboring departments having items stolen from them. I don't know about everyone else but I think that this is WRONG!!!!!! Anyone that steals from a firehouse or from any of his or her brothers or sisters from the firehouse needs to be disciplined to the point of dismissal as well as prosecuted. I would like to know what my other brothers and sisters have to say.

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We are dealing with this situation now. Things come up missing all the time & sometimes reappear. We have lost folding tables & chairs, gas cans, oil, saws, leaf blowers, weed eaters, hand tools and other equipment. Items such as light bulbs, bathroom tissue, paper towels & dish and hand soap leave from the supply cabinet. It didn't seem odd until we realized that we had "used" 2 gallon of hand soap, several packages of towels and 12 light bulbs in a very short period. So instead of going to SAM'S periodically and keeping these supplies on hand, we now buy them on an as needed basis which is extremely inconvenient.

A NEW digital camera has been missing for some time. The bag & other equipment that went with it are still locked up in the Chief's office but the camera has never been found. Most recently we found that we have several new hoods, gloves, suspenders & face shields missing along with batteries & hand lights. All things we keep on hand for regular replacement.

We have filed police reports several times in the past but no one has ever been charged. Having been in contact with the authorities we were advised to make the list of stolen equipment for the report. We are currently in the process of doing a complete inventory of everything including communications equipment & PPE to find out exactly what is missing. We have changed the locks on all the doors thinking that this could have been done by past members who still held keys. Theft is a crime. When & if the person/people responsible are found, they will defiinitely be dismissed and prosecuted.
no it wasnt that not selling
we have had them stealing the gas from the cans then throw cans outback, this is why i am against letting out members borrowing the equipment, if i get back as president this is my first item of business, no borrowing of items, the second from now on anything stolen will be thrown to the wolves bringing in the pd, throw their butts out the door, even during there imprisonment, it is stupid from fellow firefighters, bad enough when someone from outside does it but from inside shame on you

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