ok this is not a rant about gender equality in the firehouse per say but more of a gear issue. Recently i joined my department and was issued turnout gear, none of which actually fits me. I realize as a junior i don't need perfect gear since odds are against me being in danger at a fire scene but it makes running errands difficult. Ill give some examples:
My boots are mens size 8, i need a 6, currently i have socks stuffed in the toe to take up room
My bunkers are entirely to long for my 5'2 body
my jacket constricts my chest (you know what i mean)
now i realize i sound like im complaining and i guess i am but i was wondering if they made womens issue turnout gear.
Its hard to climb all over the truck to get tools if your pants go past your toes and you can turn around in your boots. Usually i get yelled at for being slow but honestly i am trying my best just to get to the place i need to be.

Any feedback would be appreciated (from men and women) as to how we should address this issue. Currently all female firefighters and juniors in my station face similar issues of gear not fitting properly. Do men have trouble in these area as well?
thank you and stay safe

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I just wanted to thank everyone for their posts.
How about trading up with a near by department... here we barter out with the near by city. I understand about gear because I'm in charge of gear buying. Does your department allow you to buy your own boots and stuff?
no, we tried that and they basically laughed at us.
Ok first things first be glad that you are that tall i have had problems with gear everywhere i have gone.... I am only 4'11 so that makes it very hard to find gear it has to be ordered for my height.my first department had just received a grant and could still afford to get me new gear right away .. now i am using gear that is too big because we just dont have the flow of money to go out and get new gear for everyone that joins right away. It also would not make a whole lot of sense either with not knowing ofr sure whether someone is going to stick it out it makes more sense to wait a while . I will get a new set of gear that will be sized and ordered for me when i have met y full year mark. Dont get me wrong if i had to go internal on a structure and was having too many problems with my gear i am positive they would fix the problem quick. Saftey is first but for now i am sticking it out and waiting patiently for the day i get my new stuff.

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