Many believe that a fire truck should be RED.
Why is red the magic color?
How was it chosen as the color of the fire service?
Are there colors out there that have been proven to be more visible?

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Tell me apparatus operators are not so freakin stupid now that we need color coordinated panels jsut to get the lines strait! God now I do sound old!

"Come on's all ballrearings now, it's so simple" *

*5 pts for the first one to name the movie, and yeah it was a movie quote.
I live By the sea, even I know port and starboard. ;)
Well THAT could be a new reality show...."Pimp My Apparatus" ....ok, wait, that sounds so wrong when you read it out loud.....never mind.
Not a dichotomy?

OH NOOOOOOOOO......... Not a dichotomy?

I had a dichotomy once..... and we all know how that turned out....
sure, and look what happened to YOU......
We'll let you serve as the warning poster....and Paul? I see your comment about women...what happened? Did I scare you with the big words?
That makes good sense.

In fact, there are a lot of people in this discussion that don't occur naturally in the environment... {:
HA! I did say firefighter proof!!

But, at least where I am, I think the bigger issue is that we have so many units respond from neighboring juridictions, that may be told to pull a line off a unit that they are not at all familiar with, or a DPO helping on a unit they are not familiar with, and they really don't know which line they have pulled. Each of our pumpers has 2 1.75" crosslays, a 2.5" crosslay, a 2.5" pre-con in the back, and a trash line in the front. Frankly, if I were the nozzleman at the fire, and the second attack line said to shut it down, and the DPO shut my line down, I would be a bit miffed. So, yes, it is idiot proofing the lines. In our area, anyways, I think it's the right thing to do.
Hey, Wally:
Let's not leave out the color of fire hydrants.
Communities use different colors to distinguish between main size and pressure.
Same could be said for fire hoses. I know an apparatus builder who is color coordinating the valves on the pump panel to the color of hose. And I don't know if it is to beat ignorance or Murphy. I'm going with Murphy.
Because if we are smart enough to fire up a big fan and attack a fire, then we should know which hose is which.
LOL created a monster with the color of fire hose comment... I know that the department I belonged to had color coordinated lines with Pump Panel for 1 reason only. In a pinch a firefighter inside could call a Mayday, or seek additional help and say they are on the blue line, and the RIT team or manpower had a headstart to that location.
Yes, I see where this is going and has been....Lets see....Firetrucks have to be RED and pigs have to fly in order to put out a fire...Get on with something a little more original than arguing about the color of the truck....Who gives a rats ass...??? We are all proud of our equiptment (no pun intended..LOL)...or at least we should be......Hey, If I can tolerate you misguided souls that have RED Trucks (ours are YELLOW) then there is hope for us all....LOL Stay safe all and keep the faith.....Paul
OK OK OK nuff said
The real reason firetrucks are red... because russians are red... Firetrucks are always rushin' so therefore firetrucks are red...( fuschia ?)

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