I am embarased to say that my dept is just now starting to look into to making SOGs. If anyone knows any place to find info or outlines or if you have a good set that would be helpful to us to us as starting point please let me know!!

If you have info you could send it to me at firemarshal134@yahoo.com

Thank all of you very much

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We are in the process of updating our SOPs with the help of an attorney. They're now called Best Practice Guidelines for legal reasons. I'm not a lawyer so don't ask me why...

I will say this - don't use the word "shall" in any of your SOGs; you may have difficulties later on in case a lawsuit develops. You can have a policy document and use all the "shalls" you want in individual policies covering drug/alcohol, seat belts, response, progressive discipline, etc.

Good luck!
As daunting of a task as you face, the bright side is the fact that you aren't the first person who has had to do this.

My suggestions:

1. Look within your own department. Despite the fact that you say you are working from scratch, I feel sure that your department is already doing things one certain way because it works. No need to fix what isn't broken, just make it official by adopting it as policy.

2. Look at neighboring departments, especially ones that do something the way you would like to do it. Try if at all possible to make your SOP/SOG where it is compatible with the other departments you will be working with. There is enough chaos out there at 0-God-thirty in the morning without you having to make your help do things 180 degrees from the way they do them.

3. Do a Google search for Fire Department SOPs. You'll get examples from a wide range of departments...small to large, career to combination to all volunteer. Pick out what you think works best for you and adapt it to your department.

4. After adoption of your SOG/SOP set a time frame for review, with a procedure to change. Six to eighteen months is best. Sometimes what looks great on paper doesn't work so well in the real world. Allow everybody in the department to have input in the decision making process.

5. Establish a system where portions of the SOP/SOG can be amended and/or deleted. While you want a solid framework in place you don't want to make it so rigid that a bad policy remains in place because it's too hard to change. The flip side of that s you don't want to change things on a whim either.

Good luck!
Hi Wes.............You can view SOP's/SOG's on the web site volunteerfd.org. or google Fire Department SOP/SOG. I used these to help me when we re-did ours. If you email me at
nrs5f@comcast.net I can e-mail you a copy of ours.. Good luck Norm
It's great to see that you are progressive enough to understand the need to have SOG's verses SOP's. Not everyone is.

Guidelines are certainly less restrictive or binding as a procedure is. You've got some awesome folks here on the FFN to guide you through this. You've got a lot of work ahead of you but now it's at least not a total mystery.

I would like to add a hazmat WMD related SOG that to date, only the fire departments in the Los Angeles area have adopted, (I think?).

* On all large explosions, any suspected incendiary fires or vehicle accidents involving semi-trailers, use of a radiological monitors should be considered for monitoring prior to arriving on scene.

I wish you the best on this project. Good Luck!
Hi! my nmae is Steve and my department has a set of great S.O.P"s. Here in Nova Scotia Canada the fire marshall is strict on that. I can help you if you want.
I want to thank everyone for all there help we have been busy lately so I havent had the opportunity to go through all of the information you have sent but I will Thanks Again
Hi Wes, On Sept. 6th I answered your discussion {see above}. If you contact me I have a complete set of SOP/SOG's in word that I will e-mail you and you can review them. If you choose to use them you can plug and write you departments name in place of ours.
Let me know if you want them.......stay safe, train often, Norm

try this link, hope it helps....
Go to www.firefighterclosecall.com they have SOPs/SOGs Page with alot of info.
You can contact my asst chief and he will send you all you need from our SOG's and probably has more resources. Message me for his email.
hey wes justin b here i have a book with the sop/sog's for the volunter fd i used to be on if i can find it im me under username on yahoo messanger username oghsmascot06
I would be happy to e/mail you a copy of our guidelines in ms word if that would help...mail me at 719@hughes.net later

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