I've seen lots of Companies, Squads, and such that have sayings on their apparatus. Like FDNY has "Midtown Madness" for Ladder Co. 24/Engine Co. 1, or "Never Missed A Performance" on Engine 54 and "Pride of Midtown" on Ladder 4. What is your company/squad motto or what do you have written on your apparatus?

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15 here in Wayland Texas, is true, thats on a good day. But hey we try as hard as we can, we have 23 volunteers, not bad for being the only REAL VFD in Stephens County.
Some DC rigs have the area that they are in, and some have slogans here are some
E1/T2 West End Pirates
E2 Chinatown
E3 Columbia
E4 Hornets Nest
E6/T4 Shaw- When RS1 was in with them it was known as THE BIG HOUSE
E7 Waterside
E8 Lincoln Park- When the Washington Redskins wereplaying at RFK it was "FIRST DUE AT THE HOGS PEN"
E/T9 U Street Corridor- HOOKER N HOSE ALSO
E10/T13 House Of Pain- Trinadad
E11/T6/BFC4 House Of Flame
E12/HMU/BFC1 Your Worst Nightmare- Glow Worms
E13/T10/FU1,2 All The Presidents Men
E14 Fort Totten
E15/RS3/BFC3 Hells Kitchen
E16/T3/BFC6 Midnight Express
E17 Hollyland- Brookland
E18/T7 Capital Hill
E20 Trailer Trash- With T12 / BFC5 Fear The Turtle
E21 Alley Rats
E23 Foggy Bottom
E25 Little House on The Hill
E26/T15 The Farm- Brentwood Bandits
E27 Castle By The Creek
E28/T14 Cleveland Park- First Due To The Zoo
E29/T5 MacArthur Beach- The Blvd
E30/T17 Dirty 30- East End
E31 With RS4( DISBANNED) Living On The Edge
E32/T16 Mean N Lean Garfield
E33/T8 The Valley
RS 1 Citywide
Our department has the McShan VFD Dragonslayers on our tanker & pumper. Black shield with gold dragon. Working to get an enlarged one in reflective material for the rear of both.
On our engine says (Have No Fear ENG-33 Is Here)
back in the day , when My House had a CF mack pump, It had bumper guides with little Bulldogs , My Mom Knitted sweaters for all three for the Winter time.. That always drew comments since they were done in Black with NY city yellow stripes..
a department in my county did that on their old squad
my company doesnt have anything on the pieces but we have been called "land of the misfits" "misfit trucking" "ghetto trucking" and my favorite "the animal house"
I know this is a late post but we had two brush trucks that had bush bunnys on them until the town made us take them off
Dennis, are you kidding?? No such thing as a "late post"!! I started this post in January and it is still going strong. I've had a few good laughs too. I look forward to each one that folks post here.

AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH I cant believe I missed it!!!!! FANTASIC 4!!!!!!!!!
"Super Size".................LOL:)
Our department's slogan is "Don't Worry, We Got It!"

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