Last week I went to lunch with some co-workers (non-FFs) and the discussion rolled around to my involvement with the FD. One of the guys said "well, you must have guys that just join the department for the drinking". This recalled to mind another comment by someone, some years back, who swore that ALL volunteer FFs drank at the station and "those who say they don't are lying".

In my department you might find a 6-pack or two if you look in every nook and cranny, but we really don't touch the stuff on drill night or after calls, or meetings. There just isn't stuff to touch. In the late 80s we had the converted soda machine that dispensed several brands of beer but we got rid of it because the Jr. FFs were becoming interested in the stuff.

So - what is your department policy or practice regarding alcohol in the firehouse?

NOTE: 10/16/09: I started this thread over two years ago to gather input from other volunteer firefighters on FFN as it was then. The new theme is, what steps can we take to make America's fire houses 100% dry?

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I grew up in a Firehouse.. My Dads Crew NEVER touched the stuff the policy was No Tolerance on the Premises and If You showed up to work drunk that was Your ass Mr Postman!!! In My Departments.. If You show up after having a few You will be arrested.. if You bring it on the property.. You will be arrested.. simple as that
Even if Your in a Department Uniform Your not allowed to Be drinking or seen in a Questionable Establishement Such as a strip club or bar.. or pub .. even if your not drinking.. its a hell of a standard but I have to say it does keep Your Reputation safe... Kinda..

B King
Kuddos! I'm really happy to see a department with such standards! I nod my head and would bow to your department and it's members for their policies towards alcohol!

Stay safe out there and my an angel be over your shoulders!
Paul Dilocker
One comment here. There is a difference between having 4 or 5 beers and being intoxicated.
I really don't like those kinds of rules. Many things effect what effect the alcohol will have on a person. Metabolism, how much food they ate, weather, physical activity, tolerance to alcohol, etc. Hot day I can drink a beer and 30 minutes later it is gone. Also, I have seen folks who went out for a night on th town and were still drunk more than 12 hours later. It comes down to knowing ones self. You yourself are the only one who knows whether or not you are fit to respond. It's called personal responsibility
There's a difference between having one or two and having four or five.... The difference is measured in BAC and the effects are seen in mental impairment. For an adult male, weighing about 180-200 pounds, one or two will give him a peak BAC of about .04% (well under the legal limit to operate a vehicle or machinery in most states) and will be under .02% in two hours.

Four or five beers will give the same adult male a BAC of .08-.10% which is over most states legal limit. Anyone who has 4 or 5 beers in a short period of time would clearly be intoxicated and should be prohibited from responding, and if he drove to the firehouse, or scene would probably have comitted DUI. Anyone who consumes 4 or 5 beers and doesn't apear intoxicated has a pretty high tolerance may need to get some help with that drinking problem.
Self policing WILL NOT WORK.
The same people who believe that they are not intoxicated and showing up for calls...
What's wrong with THAT picture?
I agree with Bobby King, and we follow the same strict standards at my department. You show up with alky on your breath or person......your ass is gone. Not just a dept. policy but village as well, since we are owned by the village. I think we should all stand firm on this policy, since WE ARE PUBLIC SERVANTS, and held to high standards.
I feel like Im the Small town Guy around here lol up until now I have never heard of firehouses letting Members drink in house.. There was one Fire Department some time ago near My hometown that had a private club that sat near the premises but it was shut down due to the Professional Standards instlled were not being held up. You know come to think of it there ought to be Standard Operating Procedures in place to Do random Drug Tests on ALL fire personell I have heard so many accounts through the web and such about Firemen showing to fires stoned and drunk its really really scary..

B King
Same here.
We call our bar the Oak Alter. We have a beer machine with a lock on it so it is only opened with thepeople who have keys are down there. The bar is supposed to be closed during calls and drills, but that depends on what your last name is. It seems like the guys are more concerned about the perks then firefighting. You are supposed to be suspended when you're caught drinking during calls or drills,but most of the time nothing is said because its better to leave the drunks at the bar and not on the rigs.

Why don't you buy the beer for the Brats before you go on-shift and when you're not wearing your uniform? Like maybe the night before your shift starts...

Well Dominic, after looking at my last paycheck (I'm a volunteer) I'm thinking a few perks for all my hours of hard work aren't such a bad thing.

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