I have noticed that, especially over in the Blogs section that alot of "original" work is showing up.
The funny thing is, people are so stupid, that they don't even do a search, but will post the exact same narrative or poem, DOES NOT GIVE THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR CREDIT and therefore, is attempting to pass the work off as their own. One clue for some of you that are curious is this: do a member search and read some the "author's" posts with the bad spelling and grammar and then read one of "their" narratives or poems and all of a sudden, Billy Backroads has morphed into Bill Shakespeare! Too funny!
Now, I've been watching this for some time and that is why I applied for and was granted copyrights for my "intellectual properties".
See, I love to share my thoughts, experiences and sources with people here and have, on occasion, given some permission to use it, with the understanding that the source is acknowledged. I have no problem with that. However; I loathe and despise people who will cut and paste someone else's hard work and pass it as their own. There is not a lower form of slithering reptile than would do something like that.
A few years ago, someone was using my username in a firefighter chatroom and because of my notoriety, someone contacted me. I went to the chatroom and started up a chat with this individual. Did you know that you could actually stutter on-line? When I was through with him, he was never heard from again; at least not as my persona.
If you are impacted by someone else's work, let that person know. If you want to share it, ASK THE SOURCE FOR PERMISSION.
As for my stuff, forum discussions are free.
Articles that I post in Blogs ARE protected by copyright.
If that sounds presumptive and ubiquitous (that's for Allen), I apologize, but anyone foolish or stupid enough to plagiarize-i.e. steal-someone else's work does NOT deserve respect; only scorn.
There is alot of very good information being posted by some very good writers. They deserve to be recognized for that effort. If you can't give them that, then don't be surprised when you are hit with a legal notice.

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I know I am guilty of this sometimes but if I know who the author is I usually put it down unless I forget. If I don't & i remember I will right UNKNOWN on my post. I have forgotten on most of my posts here but I have gone back & fixed them. I am sorry. I really don't want to get in any trouble. Thank you for you time for posting this & for letting me know on the blog that I posted.
I Am not wanting to take credit for anything I have posted I just post them because I like them but from now on I will try to remember to give the author credit.m Again I am sorry. & again thank you for pointing this out to me.
For your edification FFSGIRL, allow me to enlighten you on the fact that this is a public domain, and any orginal content posted without accreditation on a public domain is subject to a copyright infringement lawsuit; not only on the poster, but on the entire site. Art is not being rude, he's simply pointing out a rather flagrant disregard by the poster for crediting the author or stating that the author is NOT the poster. Everyone on this site needs to be very careful about posting material on here without citing the author/creator.
Something like this could pull the entire site down....for good.
I'M RUDE? Why; because I pointed out to a member that they didn't include the author's name on a poem?
I'm not bored and I'm not acting like anything; least of all acting like someone who just posted a poem and gave the appearance that they were its author.
Sorry that you think misrepresentation, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and stealing is OK.
It says alot.
Now that you have me all figured out, go play in someone else's sandbox.
If wanted I will go & delete everything I have posted just to make people happy but like I said the only reason I post them is because I have seen it somewhere else & liked it & then reposted it. & like I said I am glad that you pointed out to me that I did something wrong.
Goal wasn't to get you to delete.
Goal was to get you to give the original author credit.
You have done that.
Thank you.
Gee, I guess you did tell that dork off! And to think, he is trying to maintain the integrity of someone elses intelectual property.....HOW DARE HE!!!!!!!!! Don't these people know that whatever gets put on the web is fair game? I can't believe he wants to start something over what belongs to someone else! AND RUDE!! Oh My Gaud! He makes me so mad I could spit! If my Mom reads what he posted she's gonna give him an earful, I don't want to be around for that! This site should be about sharing stuff and being nice to each other, not keeping what is rightfully yours. If we all don't steal, uh take, uh pilfer, uh liberate, yea liberate thoughts and words from other people that are much smarter and articulate than we are how are we supposed to look smart to?
Again I'm sorry I will try to remember this when I repost anything else. & thanks again for pointing it out & your welcome
I wasn't meaning to cause any problems.
Thanks again.
She doesn't get your sense of humor Jim, nor your sense of right and wrong.


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