There hasn't been much activity in the Junior section recently, and I'm concerned. Are the Junior members of this forum getting fed up with the discussions or just shy? Are you getting good answers or are you getting frustrated?

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That's why I asked the questions. The Juniors and Explorers of today will be the firefighters of tomorrow. I would not like to see them discouraged or upset to the point of quitting as a result of remarks made on this forum. If they are then we need to change something perhaps?
I'm not getting fed up...I just have no time to spend on the computer!AND I agree with Jon,It isn't as much on here it's in school and other places.We're all fakes or we're wannabes or getting called "the new guy" or "Probie" by everyone pisses me off...I don't mind Probie from alot of people but when another probie calls me a probie that is when things frustrate me.Not just that but people, especially teacher and little ass holes in school,make fun of me when we get a call before the last period of the day(when I can leave)..."your nothing but a poser" or "shut that the hell of you firefag/firefarter".That is the stuff that frustrates me.It isn't the people in the fire company because they know they all were like this at one time or still are like this...I'm done before I say something I shouldn't
Thanks Jon!I am one out of 7 or 8 Jr Firefighters in the school and some people are joking around when they say things but some aren't...I'm slowly learning to filter it out.And I realize they don't have the balls.
supplee i joined the firehouse when i was 14, i went through all of the same stuff. dont let it get u down, like joe said, you guys are the future of the firehouse. just take it in stride and prove to them that you are the better person
ya these discutions are geting boreing and there needs to be more fire talk not girls in the fire sevice and stuff we need to talk about fires and shit like venting
I havent been here very long, nor have I been a fire explorer very long. However there are a few things I think are pertanent to this discussion.

First off, I think this site has enormous potential. It's probably the largest gathering of emergency personal online I've ever come accross. It's also probably the largest gathering of fire explorers as well. But all that considered I think it could do better.

In reply to the original question regarding activity level, when I first got here I posted a bulletein that has yet to yeild a single reply. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about it, I've got much more important things to worry about, but as far as first impressions go, no es bueno. Short of recently I didn't even realize there were so many active explorers here, as I saw few if no replies on any thread new or old for weeks after my initial arrival on the site.
So that's just my basic thoughts on this forum so far. But again, I think it has great potential and if we all just came to0gether to liven it up a little it could be a great place to learn, chill, vent, whatever.

On the topic of the peer harrassment; As well as being a fire explorer for a little over 4 months now I have also served for almost a year and half as both an explorer with the county sheriff's office (yaya, lol) and as a cadet with my school's Army JROTC Battalion. Between the three programs I have had more oral fecal abuse from my peers then anyone should ever have to withstand. Honestly my friends have been most supportive of my fire explorering, including my recruiting two of them to my post. But with the sheriff's program and the Army JROTC, I have had ever binge drinking, pot head, ultra liberal, or antiauthority teenager in the school on my back. I can't say you ever get over it completly but as said above you will learn to better let it roll off your shoulders. As you are an explorer and from the way you talk I can tell that, even without meeting you, you are most likely one of the more mature citizens of our young society, to which I applaud you, and give you my best wishes. As one of the higher ups in our society I have no doubt you will eventually overcome the relentless stupidity that spreads like wildfire through the world youth.
Furthermore being full of other same aged explorers expeariancing this, if the pressure is ever overwhelming or just worht venting over, you're always welcome to here.

I'd just like to finish it all off by saying that I'm also the head moderator of another forum for emergency service personel, It's specifically geared to explorers. The last website was a free site, and had over 100 members but we very recently switched to a new paysite with better features and everything. So if your interested please check it out. New members, espeshally explorers are always welcome. Right now it's mainly police explorers, but I betcha if all you head over and join up you'd give um a run for their money (just kidding, there's a whole section designed for fire explorers and everything, they'll be very accomendating, fire vs police debates left at the door).
First of as an Explorer I absoulutely love this site. I love seeing the support the "old guys" give us and that helps me keep my head up. As for those who have nothing else better to do than degrade us and eveyone not "as good as" them, they are a common annoyance. Thanks Joe, for the support and courtisey
i have been geting frustrated
I feel like whenever i have a question i get several really good answers that help me improve myself at the next training or run i have but sometimes its like pulling teeth to get a good answer. I learn a lot from this site because i feel like i can ask any question and 1) i wont get crap for the rest of my life for asking it and 2) i can get several good answers and put them together to form something that will really help me. Some people however give answers that i just shouldnt do something or dont worry about it... Im stubborn though so if i have a question i will post it on here and hope to god i get a good answer.
I also think forum posts like "juniors shouldnt be on this website" or something grouping all of us together because of what a single junior firefighter did or said and i really dont like that... that really frustrates me....
To those of you "under 18's" that are frustrated with this site because of the constant flaming you seem to endure, be patient there are a group of us here who believe that you are the future of the fire service unlike many of our own adult peers who are to busy to even think about being involved in their local F.D. A lot of the negative feed back you will see here is because there are those in the fire service who think that the laws of their state apply nationwide, or that voluntary standards such as NFPA standards are the modern day equivalent of the ten commandments....etched in stone from the hand of God himself.
The question should not be whether or not there is room for the "under 18's" in the fire service but whether on not the supervision of the "under 18's" is adequate. The question when we see or read of injuries to an "under 18" is what part of the adult supervision failed. I find it ironic that many of those that would deny you a spot in the fire house don't seem to have a problem sleeping at night while they are defended by 17 year olds who have joined the Military. Or those who having been the recipient of an "under 18" program to get their careers in the fire service started, now have turned against offering that very same opportunity to others.

As far as putting up with the smack your peers out in the public tend to put you through, those that can't or won't measure up find it easier to criticize than to praise. You will find that like the poor you will have them with you always. They will tend to be the non achievers in life who you will find at your 20th high school reunion discussing what was, not what is. I have yet to meet an "under 18" who was not self motivating, who did not have a good idea of where they wanted to go in life and saw the fire service as an opportunity to be a giver not a taker.

So keep your heads up there are those of us who are not only willing to have you, but are proud that there is a sector of Americas youth that isn't standing in line with their hands out waiting for someone to give them something for nothing. By the way there is only one dumb question in the fire service but none of you are old enough yet for it, thus there is no dumb question. Ask away, just be ready to sift out the ignorant and the arrogant. That which does not kill you makes you stronger.
The question should not be whether or not there is room for the "under 18's" in the fire service but whether on not the supervision of the "under 18's" is adequate. The question when we see or read of injuries to an "under 18" is what part of the adult supervision failed.

Yes, I can agree with this, but on the flip side, much of the issues being brought up have been because of juniors and explorers coming on here and stating they are doing stuff which shouldn't be done. Issues such as respond emergent in a POV, doing fireground activities they shouldn't be, complaining about not being treated as a regular FF etc. The problem does lie within the supervision of adults and those who say "it works for us", well the problem is that it doesn't mean the kids are not in any less danger. The frustrations many of us see with such an attitude is that the kids believe they should be entitled to do the same job as regular adults.

I find it ironic that many of those that would deny you a spot in the fire house don't seem to have a problem sleeping at night while they are defended by 17 year olds who have joined the Military

The reality is there are tons more kids under 18 doing the firefighting stuff than there are 17 y/o's in the military. To get into the military one has to have a high school diploma or GED with a number of college credits (of which it is much more difficult to get in with right now) so it is not an easy task to get into the military as an adult, let alone a 17 y/o.
Now on the flip side of that the training is standard throughout the military branch, despite where one goes to boot, the same can't be said about one dept to another.

Now I do echo much of this stuff and I started out as an Explorer myself and was eager to become a FF. I was part of the Boy Scouts, now the Learning for Life and I am still an advisor today, so it isn't like I don't understand the issues going on. There are a clean set of rules to be followed with Learning for Life which should echo many junior programs as well. The real role of such programs is not to make you firefighters, but to give you an idea of the job to see if it is a choice one would want to pursue in the future.

The other big issue that becomes "frustrating" for both you explorers and firefighters is that you are NOT firefighters, plain and simple and no reason to be exposed to the same dangers. Secondly, there is no reason to complain about that said fact, especially on a site with so many different ideas and rules. Third, try to understand the discussions about helmet colors, rig colors, lights and so forth are not of substance, it all boils down to personal opinion and there are just too many of them.

Now many explorers and juniors talk about learning and so forth, by all means participate in some of the discussions. You don't have to be right, but try to learn from the answers instead of putting up a defensive posture. And finally, PLEASE use good spelling and grammar, this is not a text message site or something, you get more respect if you appear to have at least attended some basic schooling.
for ya'll juniors out there most of us may seem to be saying things now as we are adults now and experienced in the dept, but when we started out we was the same way, one of the biggest things i have ever learned from a very wise man whom is my grandfather he was kicked outta school as a boy turned down pro baseball to join the marine coprs where he went in 1952 as a private and retired in 1972 as a Capt. he then was a county commissioner for over 18 years, but any how what i was getting at was give our advise now and it seems two fold to you but its the years and experience we have of the fire service as we were once like you the biggest thing is "WE DONT FORGETT WHERE WE CAME FROM" so with that being said keep your heads up read and learn from us and ya'll one day will be one hella firefighter. as for getting razzed on i went through it and one day at the age of 18 b4 i graduated high school i showed up to a working house fir 75% involved some of the guys i went to wchool with were in that area i came outta capts seat packed up pulling a line and starting an attack until the powerlines fell and had to stop. as i came back to the truck and took my pack off those guys were in that general vacinty and was like dude that was you i said whats up and they said dude for real that was you i said yeah and we talked while waiting for the power co. they could not belive what i just did they were in total complete shock and let me tell ya never once did i catch a word of jokes becasue the biggest thing going around school was the fact that i was seen pulling hose spraying water and what not, everyone said let me get these terms correct. (we got mad respect for ya dowg) so again keep your head up and your time will come and when it dose ppl will see ya and stop talking about you cause they just sen you at that fire or cutting someone utta car or what ever it be or when you pull up to thier home for a call. aight now have a good one

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