hey i just became a junior firefighter and i want to know if anyone has any advice for me or tips .... if anybody has any let me know and please add me.. cuz i'm also new on here 2 and i want to get some friends to.

P.S. I'm closing this disscussion but if u want u can leave your tip in a comment on my page.

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The only advice I have for you is get as much training as you can! If you're not sure about something, ask questions. Stay safe and good luck!
Ask lots of questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Training, Training, and more Training, its a ever going process to keep urself even close to the changing times. Learn from ur fellow firefighters for they will have alot to teach u. You will never stop learning in this business. Good Luck and God Bless You on ur many triumphs and guide u on the loses.
if u are just starting out take all the training u can get it helps
Hi Gina, and welcome to the Nation and the fire service. If you plan on making this a career, you really need to go with your heart and believe what the Fire Service is all about. It's all about the BROTHERHOOD, the TRADITION, it's not about the clicks, or the friends, it's not a popularity contest. It's about COMRADERIE. Yeah you can make alot of friends along the way but remember the Tradition and the Broitherhood. This is a dangerous career but if your heart is in , it could be the best thing you ever do in your life. What an adrenaline rush... I'm in for 38 years and it's in my DNA. Just listen and learn. Respect your Officers, respect the position, and most of all respect yourself. Don't let ANYONE tell you, you can't do it. You prove yourself, and the respect will follow. Trust me, you will see who your real friends are. If you ever have any questions write me. Good Luck and Be SAFE. ALL IN/ ALL OUT.

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Formerly from New York
Gina, congratulations on joining the service! Remember you can never have enough training and never get to the point where you think you know everything you need to know. You can never have to much knowledge. Ask a lot of questions, I try to teach our Juniors something every chance I get, I'm sure there is someone in your department who is willing to share their know how. As your service time progresses you will develop an instinct learn to trust it. Most of all Have fun and be safe!
hey im a jr. firefighter 2 so ill add u and we can talk about it
Hi Gina.An As A Former Jr./Explorer,Welcome To the Fire Service,& FFN! Train,Be Active,Ask Questions,Keep Your School Grades Up,Listen,& Stay Out Of Trouble. An Remember HAVE FUN. You have entered a very close knit group of people,steeped in tradition & service.If you fallow what i said above and do as your told,you will find with time that you will get to be a integeral part of your department and the fire service.This is a fun and rewarding job.It will grow on you.Again Welcome & STAY SAFE!

well im a explorer captain what do you need to know?
just do (WHAT EVER) ur head explorer says
training is more important then anything and stay safe ans you can add me if you want
I've been a volunteer now for a year with no previous training before that. At first I was afraid to answer the questions in training before some of the more seasoned volunteers, even though I knew the answer. Over this year I have learned that I can't be hesitant to step on anyones toes if I know the answer b/c peoples lives are riding on someone knowing.
New perspective is always good in "old" trainings or anything else for that matter! I thought that the others would be upset b/c I was to young and inexperienced to be answering before them, but that wasn't the case at all. I think that it was refreshing for them.
Take instruction and if you're not sure how to do what they tell you to ASK. If you don't then try to do it anyway without success; you will make yourself look..... not good. Respect, you get back what you dish out. Never bring up gender/race issues. You will loose more respect than you gain this way. If you are not trained to complete a task on scene, don't do it. Again, peoples lives are hanging in the balance here. Our personal pride and issues don't belong on the scene or in the station.
Hope this helped and wasn't just a bunch of ramble!
Merry Christmas
Hey there, some advice I can give is to train as much as possible. When you think you've had enough, jump in that much deeper. You never train to much. Ask as many questions as you can. Keep your back covered and your sheild clean. Best of luck and God's grace. Stay safe.
Go to all the class's and courses that are offered to you.Learn all you can and go on call's to learn.Pay attention to what you are being taught.And Most of all stay safe.Look out for #1 that' you.
hey im a junior firefighter too and I just started last week. I like it so far alot and the best thing to do is to listen to your other firefighters and get some advice from people with more experience that work in your department. Watch them train, go to the meetings, and ask alot of questions


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