After a Mutual Aid Fire the other night,I got to thinking that helmet colors on the fire ground should be standardized somehow.This after I made an Observation that a "Black Hat" was giving orders.I fallowed along of course,with him being odviously my senior firefighter.But as the night went on I glanced over at his helmet,and realized that the "rockers" on his helmet said,"ASST.CHIEF",an so did the back of his coat.I thought this was odd,since all the other Chiefs where wearing White helmets.And I also noticed other Officers & Us Crew wearing various colors.Mostly Yellow & Black.This was confusing.Our Fire District Helmet Colors are as fallows...
White-Chief (& Capt.until 1988) Yellow w/White Shield-Capt. Yellow w/Black Shield-Lieu. Blue-Company EMS Capt./Lt. Red w/ White Shield-Safety Officer Black-Firefighter Orange-Explorer Orange Hard Hat-Fire Police.
What are your Company's Helmet colors?,and Do you think there should be a Standard?
Update:Tiger Schmittendorf has let me know that there is NO STANDARD In The United States.But Still The Question Looms Should There Be?

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We have a standard and it works great for us and our neighbors on those 3 AM calls
white- chief
My department issues these colors:

Chief - White
Dep. Chief - White
Capt. - Red
Both 1st and 2nd Lieut. - Black
FF - Yellow

All shields are black with red letters on white background. Chief and Dep. Chief gear is white, all other is Advance tan.

For the most part, there are a couple mutual aid depts that are very similar, but the paid dept. next door uses white for Chief - Capts, then red for upper Lieut and black for lower Lieut, both with red shields. Then black for FFs. This may be a little confusing unless you know who is who.

I am very much in the Standardization crowd, especially if there is a major disaster and we went to the other side of the state for mutual aid. We should be able to look at helmets and gear and tell who is who.
Chief-White, Major-White, Captain-Orange, Safety Officer-Blue, Sergeant-Red w/Sergeant on shield, Firefighter-Red, Recruit/Explorer-Black
Our dept. uses All fire officers- white, EMS officers- blue, FF's- yellow, nonentry (driver only) red, and on the ambulance for the EMT's plain blue (no shield). The shields are labeled differently.
in the department that i beling to it goes as fellows
Balck pass cheif
White- chief and asst. cheif
red- captain and lit.
yellow- all the others

i think that if it was it would be alot easier in my hometown fd if you had yellow helmat with red strips down the midlle you where a rookie ik others do that for non-SCBA
Our Deparment color's are
Chiefs White
Capt. Red
Lt. Yellow
Firefighter Black
Rookie Firefighter's Black with Reflective R on the Front
Explorers blue
EMTS white
We use a fairly simple system

White = Officer
Yellow = non-officer
My department goes by these colors:

Fire Officers-Yellow
EMS only-Blue
EMS Officers-Blue or red depending on if your a FF or EMS only

The other department's in my area use different colors and styles to tell rank and/or paid vs volunteer staff
On our department we have three different helmet colors and stickers on the side our firefighters are yellow, our captains helmets are red we have two captains a scene captain and a emt/paramedic captain then our asisstant chief and chief have white helmets very helpful on scenes to be able to tell whos who also about 80% of our dept. is at least emt certified
Well our Company has white for the Chief,Asst. Chief and Deputy Chief's. Red with shields-rank for the Captain'sand Blue for the Lt.'s and Black for all other firfighters except the Jr's they have plane Red
Our dept. uses White for Chief, Deputy Chief, Asst. Chief & Capt. Yellow for everyone else with cresents of firefighter for interior and smaller cresant fire rescue for rescue cert. We are trying to decide what we are going to do for Jr/prob.
Ours are all yellow in both companies with the exception of chief and asst. chief. (they wear white) Our other officers have their rank on the shields. Of course, I am also an exception because I bought my own helmet. I wear a natural leather New Yorker, with my rank and last name on the shield. We also have our rank on our accountability tags. This is where training with mutual aid companies comes in handy, you get to talk to them in a less stressful enviroment and learn their ways of doing things as they do yours.

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