After reading Arts thread here goes a fire fighting topic.
I have a question for everybody, so far all those I have asked has not given me a good answer.
Why is it in North America we use different size hose connectors for the different size hoses?
In Britain they use one size for the 11/2" and 3", why don't we. It would cut down on the number of adaptors we have to carry, and find on cold dark nights.
Is it time we as a body re-thought our standards on equipment.
Just stir things up, why not go the whole hog and use quick connect fittings, enough of the "screwing around".

Bye the bye, tradition or thats the way we have always done it are not good answers

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It's all about water flow and friction loss my man!!
Like Dan pointed out with the SCBA's, who is going to pay for all the standardizations of the hoses. And from what I remember, not all states abide by NFPA, sad but true. Alote of good points where brought out in this discussion.
i was told along time ago that the threads were different sizes because it prevented someone from accidently hooking the small hose up for a supply hose. nothing would suck more then droping an 1 1/2" for a supply line. although i have seen it done.

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