A firefighter I work with has a friend who has had a motorcycle accident. There are a lot in broken bones and some head trama. He is in a coma with some bleeding in the brain. The doctor says it dont look good. IT IS NOT UP TO HIM. We need yo pull it togeather here and show him a miracale. He is in P-Cola FL hospital. I dont even know his name, but Jesus does. Thank you

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Heavenly Father, We lift up our brother to you. Heal him and show a miracle for all to see. Lord we ask you comfort the family and co-workers. In Jesus name, Amen
He is an EMT here in Fl
Father I come to you now, lifting up our brother who has went down in this Motorcycle Accident, I ask now that you touch him, his Family and the Doctors that are attending to him. Father allow all that know him and are around him to see you in everything that is going on right in their lives. I ask this now in Jesus name Amen.
God Bless you Jerry.
Your Brother In Christ
As of 8/28/2008 around 7 pm i was told they had taken him of life support. The Dr's told the family there is no chance too much brain damage. There is record of Jesus raising the dead after 4 days. It is between him and God now. Please pray that the lords will be done and the family have comfort.
hey guy
please pray for my hunband he just had a very small heart attack and i do not what to do to help him when he came home tomorrow can some one help me with this??????

Valerie, I have prayed for your family. I will continue to do so. You just just need to keep praying for healing in your husband and guidence in your life. Ask god to move for both of you. If you dont see results right away just wait and keep praying. He is always on time. Read John 15 : 16 and remember it when you pray.
Jerry as you know sometime's when we Pray for healing, Gods answer is to bring them home this maybe the answer this Family and freinds will have to face. The main thing is to stand on just what you said and continue to Pray for God's will to be done with this young man and especially his Family.
Your Brother In Christ
The young man I had asked prayer did pass. I thank all you you for your prayers. They did go through. I think the family did find some pease. The lords will was done and that is all me can ask.


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