We've made an adjustment to the FFN points system. You can browse the changes when you browse your profile.

The number of friends, comments made and comments received NO LONGER have a bearing on your ranking.

While we certainly don't want to discourage comments, etc. This isn't meant as a competition to see who can make the most friends or post comments. This is about REAL content and REAL invites. Likewise, inviting bulks of people who have NOTHING to do with the fire service will result in changes there as well.

Please check out the changes and as I've said, we'll continue to re-evaluate before announcing the 'final' formal points mechanism soon.

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Wow, and thats what I meant, people tend to take things the wrong way!! LOL Guys...Im speaking as far as the point system and what constitutes "Quality Content". I feel the same way, but If I were to enter my one liner to every discussion just to say I read it and agree, we would have thousands of open ended discussions with one liners out the yin yang!! LOL The point I was trying to make is, instead of just saying "Yup, I agree", THINK about the topic...how do you operate in your dept? How do you do things differently? Does your dept do things differently or have a trick of the trade to make it easier? THAN post that for all to learn from...In other words, add something "Constructive" to the topic. I see it too much where people also say the same thing that was said dozens of times already, do we really need to hear the same thing verbatim 5 and 6 dozen times from 30-40 people?

Im definitely not trying to argue or insult, and I did not take it personally from you GelorupRookie but I too am frustrated and have an opinion. I belong to about 12 firefighter forums and social web sites and see it all over, the same thing in all forums, like its the same person asking the same questions. I just feel that in order to have a successful forum you need to make it enjoyable, educational, and fun. Yet, theres people like me that try to hold off on the posts and replies until I see a chance to add something new to a discussion that I am knowledgeable on, or can answer a question that has not been already answered 5 dozen times! LOL Just my humble opinion, and I did not need to borrow your soap box...I would break the thing if I stood on it!!! LOL (need to loose a few pounds!)
Anyways, we are all entitled to our opinions, thats what these social sites are for. Keep on discussing everyone, and stay safe!
Not thrilled with the point system idea. Just seems to create more problems then it's worth.
The points are a good indicator for the sites participation and contributions. The contributions are the "point getters" and the social side is the social side. Nobody should harp on firefighters using the social side, but they shouldn't complain when they aren't awarded points for it either. If your a regular on here and have spent months and months contributing to the forums, posting photos and videos, writing blogs, and inviting your friends you have a great baseline for points. Those things contribute to the site's developement and retention. The social side is what keeps the site informative and also fun to be on. People on the site (since the points concept came out) saw there was a gap for "friends" and "comments" with those who have a billion and a half friends way in the lead for points. Having a billion friends (you will notice I deny 99.995% of friends requests) and or leaving 100 photo comments in a day doesn't contribute to anything but YOUR social side of the site.
My suggestion is to take part in the opportunities to learn and grow with the site and forget the points. It's not a race, and it's not anything of any great importance. The last time I checked, I'm not winning any "prizes" or getting any further ahead in life because I lead in points. I make my friends on the site, and I make some contacts that result in some squabbling. I take them all in stride because it is the same in most firehouses. We have those who we befriend and those we detest, yet we all share the same bond of brotherhood/sisterhood.
Hey Capt, Just know my brother that you aren't on my crapola list. :)
Again because I enjoy interacting with people who contribute to the site and interact professionally. I take the contributions factor much better than the social factor for friends I choose.
Do you win a prize for having the most friends and only talking to 4-5 of them?
I want to be judged on quality and not quantity.
I want to be judged by the friends I keep.
I want to be judged by the legacy that I will leave.
I want to be judged by a jury of my peers.

We just don't have the resources to add your peers or a jury.


Maybe if you get the funding you could rent the new Yankee Stadium. It may hold more than most other places. :)
Perhaps a bench trial and I will represent myself.
I am in discussions with Judge Judy.
She thinks I'm a hottie!
Said I look like a young Wilford Brimley.
Yeah; she digs me.
Is it considered a panel of attorneys if you represent yourself while having a multiple personality disorder?
I am one who has used the small posts such as "Yah, I agree with him." or "I agree, great topic!!". to quote Galorup.

A lot of times when I read the discussion everyone has already said what I wanted or would have said. :o(

I am also guilty of misspelled words and bad grammar. :o(

I am also one of those enjoys the social side of FFN. :o)

TCSS everyone
at work and the puter runs on cap lock to get into med tech.. some puters can switch to small caps.. sorry.. not yelling so try not assume because that make a ass of you and me....


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