michael Ellchook
  • Male
  • Ontario
  • Canada
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Michael Ellchook's Friends

  • Paulo Jesus
  • Mark Halabecki
  • Jenn M
  • Thor
  • Brad Duncan
  • Frank
  • Jim aka Bick

michael Ellchook's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Industrial/Institutional, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer, Emergency Management
Job Function
Training Officer, Safety Officer, First Responder, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
both fire rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
About Me:
I'm also a Chef ,I own ThisOldBarn.ca a restaraunt on our family farm ,chef for almost 20 years Ontario,Calgary (Alerta ..Chatoeu Lake Luoise)and also a year stint in Switzerland as a chef .
Day Job:
Chef , Farmer ,securityofficer ,restaraunt consultant
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My father had just ahd a heartattack and my brother and I realised there where almost no vollenteers left in our area so we got 6 more to join with us in about the same time frame , now we have a team of 10 out of our hall and I'll back them up with my life . and I know they would also for me
Why I Love Fire/EMS
unfortunatly it is for the little thanks we recieve . The one in say 10 that come back and tell you or out of the blue ,come up and hug you . I also have a pease of mind knowing that if something ever happened to myself I 'll know they'll be there for me as I would for them or anyone
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safty , Auto extracation training (evey call is differant ) More up-dates on vehicle safty devices ( vehicle air bags ) some cars have basic ....2 bags . the newer, fancier,escalade caddies fully loaded 20 some odd air bags ( front,side window side inpack,dash,rear head rest , between the front and rear seats drop curtain air bags ).......holly !!!! spend more time looking for air bag compartments than patiant care .

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At 3:50pm on July 26, 2008, Paulo Jesus said…
Hi, from Portugal
My name's Paulo, I live in Oporto (the 2nd biggest portuguese city). I'm fire Chief and the President of the Portuguese Volunteers Firefighters Association.
I hope we can exchange knowladge and become good friends. Who knows that someday we'll meet.
Keep in touch. My MSN contact: PauloFlyboy@hotmail.com
At 5:50pm on July 23, 2008, Brad Duncan said…
michael hello thank you for the add
At 3:32pm on July 23, 2008, Thor said…
Joho Michael, greetings from Germany (Europe)

Take care every day

At 7:54pm on July 22, 2008, Brad Duncan said…
hello Michael end welcome to FFN i am wounding if you can ples join the group the Canadian fallen firefighters foundation for support it is just a group only thanks brad ples take care end hope to see you in Ottawa in sept the 14 ples check out the site there are 32 member

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