Tim Delaney
  • 59, Male
  • Pawtucket, Rhode Island
  • United States
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Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
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Hope Jackson Fire Hope RI
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Why I Love Fire/EMS
The satisfaction of knowing I made a difference
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Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 9:29am on March 16, 2010, Dani said…
Nice pics !
At 10:26pm on January 23, 2010, Jim said…
Hi Tim, I was reading through some old correspondence when I re-read our conversations about ther trench program. Would you be interested in info if the program is done this year. Also since we talked last, I have been further north then Rhode Island. Went to Nova Scotia and did a Farmedic Provider program for a week there. Would this be a program you would be interested in to. We have one scheduled in NC in May if your interested. May be going back to NS in May again too. You can reach me quicker through my email at techrescue@earthlink.net Jim
At 8:44am on January 2, 2010, Tibor Lorinc said…
Hello,My name is Tibor, and I am firefighter in Nitra, a city in Slovakia. I am looking for fire patches collector in your city or fire department, because I collect and trade fire patches from over the world.Greetings from Slovakia

Very thanks and stay safe... Tibor

My webpage is http://www.firemantibor.estranky.sk
At 11:30am on February 14, 2009, Jim said…
Hope you are able to Tim, that would be great to meet you. The trench program is called the York County Trench Weekend and will be located in York, Penn. and be on May 1st, 2nd & 3rd. The first evening is classroom and Sat- Sun is all hands on. Eat your Wheatie's before class, you will need them. I promise when you go home you will be tired and have learned alot. There will be factory reps there to provide technical info and show all there newest stuff. We paly with everything they bring. Lots of ways to approach. You can contact HACC (Harrisburg Area Community College to register. I think it is about $100.00 for the weekend. If you let me know you need housing, I can probably put you up in a local fire house for your stay. My teaching partner and myself stay with friends in Hanover, Penn. on the south side of the county towards Baltimore. Great places to eat and great time to network. They really do the program well. It started in Baltimore County, Maryland in the early 90's and moved north in 2000. Do a search under the trench name above for more info or try Hanover FD or the old name of the Mason Dixon Trench Weekend. Hope you get to join us and stay in touch. Jim Young techrescue@earthlink.net
At 9:44am on February 10, 2009, Jim said…
Hi Tim, Got your follow up message. How is Rhode Island weather. It is 70 here today and 72 tomorrow. Even though I live in North Carolina, I travel to Penn to teach in a trench rescue program there each year. Will be there weekend of May 1. I see you have done some specialized rescue. If this is something you would be interested in, I may be able to arrainge a place to stay for you. Usually 7 to 10 open trenchs going at a time and plenty to do for the novice or experienced. Come on down from RI and see us. Also Tim, do you mind if I use any of your pics in my classroom presentations. Jim
At 12:28pm on October 15, 2008, Jack said…
Hey Tim thanks for the ad
At 2:42pm on August 6, 2008, Jim said…
What is the picture of that you have titled "HOT". Just sent a request. Stay safe. Jim
At 12:24am on June 16, 2008, Firegirl67 said…
No Prob, thanks for the add
At 8:40pm on June 13, 2008, Firegirl67 said…
I like your pictures

Stay safe
At 10:25pm on June 1, 2008, Rusty R. said…
Summer School

July 11th, 12th and 13th 2008

Friday July 11th 1900 hours

Saturday and Sunday, July 12th and 13th 0800-1700 hours

Fri night: Keynote speaker Lt. Dave Gallagher presents his Big Truck, Little Crew approach to short staffed companies at the Georgetown Country Club, Andover St Georgetown Ma

Sat/Sun: Hands-on at the acquired structure 20 Parish Rd, Georgetown Ma

Cost: $150 FOOLS Members, $175 non-members; lunch included both days

Friday Evening Lecture only: $25.00

So, you missed Spring Training again, eh? Heard about it from a Brother? Wanted to go to the April FOOLS training but just had to rearrange that sock drawer, or was it wash your hair? Well, just like 3rd grade you get a second chance!

Here is Summer School 2008. Join the Georgetown Fire Department and the New England FOOLS for skill stations and real-time evolutions in an acquired farmhouse that is sure to make for a weekend not to be missed! We know where they were in March;
Let’s find out yet again “where have all the firemen gone…”

• Vent/Enter/Search, what every big city and small town “truckie” should know.
• Forcible Entry means never having to knock twice.
• SCBA Confidence and Mayday recognition, you’ll be a-mazed what you don’t know!
• Firefighter Self-Survival Skills, so that Everyone Goes Home.

For further information and downloadable application visit www.NEFOOLS.org.

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