Zachary Lyons
  • Male
  • Aiken, SC
  • United States
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Zachary Lyons's Friends

  • jenna
  • George A. Laiacona III
  • Chris Fosterling
  • Donnie G. Cook
  • Gregory R Bailey
  • Bryan Bishop
  • Justin Goodwin
  • Cory P. Taylor
  • Rusty Mancini
  • Rick K.
  • miraya freeland
  • John Schander
  • Kristie W.
  • Brandon
  • john tymeson

You can do whatever you set your mind to

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
New Ellenton Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
My Training:
Firefighter 1 and 2, Hazmat ops, F.L.A.G, Rescueing the Rescuer, Rope Ops 1, First Responder, First Aid, Basic Interier Firefighter, How to deal with the community
About Me:
I live in Aiken South Carolina, but currently in Jacksonville North Carolina Working at Camp Lejune as a controls specialist i love to hunt and fish and would love to be back home with my family
Day Job:
Controls Specialist
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Raised in it 4th generation
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping the Community

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At 10:15am on September 21, 2009, Gregory R Bailey said…
I did not spell brain right and you can not spell doctor. Hey son, I have not heard from you in a while. Hope you are felling better I see you were sick. We all miss you very much. PS Is the pellet rifle of mine in the stuff in the shop. Got to sting some dogs. Also call or EMAIL D Watson!!!!! I did not know that Cristy had some type of mild stroke but now she is fine. She is list in my friends if you do not have her. Pops
At 5:18pm on September 1, 2009, Donnie G. Cook said…
Thank you very much for the comment
At 5:14pm on August 30, 2009, Brandon said…
i dont know what thier air packs are in house but most of the county stations use either msa, scott, or interspiro
At 11:48am on August 30, 2009, Brandon said…
yeah man very good bumch of guys, they are a lil backwards for helmets though no one really understands it but thier regular firefighters wear red helmets and the officers wear black, where everyone else in the county is the otherway around officers are red and white ff are black lol, if you go over to station 3 off western blvd by the mall my buddy works there on L-1, if you go to headquarters off hwy17 my other buddy is a investigator there and i have a few buddys that work at 4 by the commons and 2 in northwoods, as for the base stations couldnt tell you where my buddys are cause they rotate stations so often its hard to keep up where they are based outta
At 11:18am on August 29, 2009, Gregory R Bailey said…
I was out one day last week too. I must be alergic to some thing. My head/face felt like it was going to explode and lost my voice allmost from crap draining down my throat Then choke on it and cough crap up. I could not even think straight. It showed at work. So I stayed home again and did not even go outside. Better today. Love you son.
At 1:18am on August 28, 2009, Brandon said…
you talking about checking out halfmoons station or the city station? yeah i hear ya on the gov security clearance thing
At 2:43am on August 27, 2009, Brandon said…
and raleigh fire is hiring 14 as of yesterday news release from and
At 2:42am on August 27, 2009, Brandon said…
oh ok yeah halmoon are a good bunch of ppl i have worked with them since 1998 being with SW Fire, Rodestown Fire, and Jacksonville Rescue. Jacksonville is a decent place to work i got several friends that work for JFD they are trying to open a station 5 on western ext or gumbranch somewhere in that area. Camp lejune is also a good place to work if you can get the system to take your resume at the gov websites where they hire from i got several friends that work for CFD. go to the lil white house at main side on the left when you exit off 24 just over the bridge going towards swansboro they can hel you out alot with the gov web sites. Ft jackson is hireing here also about 10 i think the guys said they trying to get me but i told them i got 4 years left yet.
At 4:58am on August 26, 2009, Brandon said…
so i see your in jacksonville nc, my home town, how long are you gonna be there and what not a good fire dept to join would be Rhodestown if your gonna be in the area a while and to run rescue its Jacksonville EMS/Rescue i have good friends in and wound onslow county and for fire/rescue services...
At 11:59am on August 24, 2009, Gregory R Bailey said…
Hi son, We all miss you here. Everyone wants to know when you are coming back. Polecat, NEFD and of course us at Couchton. Remember we all got your back and love you. I am proud of you Pops

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