Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Warsaw fire deparment - Warsaw New York
Warsaw Jr. Fire department - Warsaw New York
My Training:
Firefighter 1
Truck Company Operations
basic Firefighter- when they still had it a few years ago
About Me:
i have been in the emergency services for eight years started at 14, ever sence then i have been hooked, new things to learn, new situations to get in to. i like to help people with out really that much in return, just to me being a firefighter and aemt-i was just a no brainer i just had to do it
Day Job:
Dispatcher for rural metro western new york, also a aemt-i
To help my community out, and it looked like fun!!!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
there is so many things to pick from....... Everything!!!!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
getting people to join and keeping them...
hello, my name is matt, i am in hamburg ny, just looking for some firefighting and ems friends in the area, if you want to know more about me im me on aol thegreatestemt or myspace is good.... hope to see you around and remeber feel safe tonight sleep with a firefighter. lol and also stay safe!!!!!!
hey man whats goin on... im not sure if i have met you before or not, but hey who knows... im matt anyways. ill probably see you around sooner or later. ttyl
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