I think it is one of the best web sites I have come across for firefighters, if not the Best. I have learned much from all the discussions that have been posted. I think it's time to let the powers to be know what you think, and why.

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Thanks for asking Mickey. i think FFN is a great forum for making friends in the fire service and learning about all kinds of different stuff from around the nation. Its really good to see how ff from around the nation live, train, work etc. Sometimes the same...sometimes different! Its pretty cool that there is a "place" where you can share about ANYTHING! Sometimes people listen...sometimes they dont. Still a damn good place.
Top Notch none better, An excellent way to meet our fellow Firefighters be it brother or sister we are all a big family.
The best firefighter forum I've seen. It's a great place to meet brothers, and sisters from all over, and I haven't met anyone I didn't like. It's great to learn how things are done in other departments, and share how we do things. The photos and videos are fun to look at, and if I can answer a question to help someone out, it makes logging on all worth it. Two thumbs up for FFN!!!! Keep up the great work!
I've enjoyed being here. Good to be able to discuss and talk to people across the nation about firefighting. Have learned alot here from others. Places like this help you get over doing things the same way because thats the way you have always done them. New ideas and tactics are great to share and experiment with.

its the best i have found. keep up the good work
Grade A first class website. have learned alot from you all. thank you soo much. I just wish I would have found it sooner. TCSS and Buckle Up
Mickey, posting it here is ok but really letting them know is better on their mail site. I have posted them several times as I want them to know how much I appreciate the opportunity they provide us here. It is indeed cool to have these opportunities. Better yet that its free. Where can you go today and have so much fun and actually learn something and it dosnt cost you anything other then your time and investment. I have had the opportunity to talk and discuss things with people I would never have the chance with outside this forum. Great place in spite of the occasional "Bonehead" that walks in the door with their mouth flappin. Apparently they never heard the saying that "its better to keep your mouth shut and have people think your wise then to open it and prove them otherwise". Great Forum!
i like it i have got a lot of us full info to help in doing my job as a firefighter.
I like it...although lately the material is getting pretty lame.....many posts donot even rate a reply.....We can talk about Jrs. or the color of trucks or the brand of turnouts....as long as noone gets upset........What happened to the "thick skin" we all had to have to join the Fireservice..? Paul

The site is great, I like looking and reading about all the crazy stuff people come up with and want to talk about. I've learned alot from just reading some of the questions and forums. Great place to get ideas. Holla
I think this a really good website. The networking opportunities are amazing. Everyone has always come off as respectful even when it is a touchy topic being discussed. The best thing about this website is the chance to learn so much from so many members from so many different types if Fire Departments. Keep up the good work and let's work together to restore the honor that we know this profession deserves.
A good site. I'm a member of three - I've been a member of others.

The three I'm a member of are different, they operate differently and they attract different people. They all demand that you treat others with respect. Or at least not engage in exchanging insults...

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