#1 = Ben Franklin
#2 - #7 = Unsure
#8 = Philly
#9 = In the early days Bugles were used by officers to give orders and they had then become the symbol of officership.
#10 = unsure.
I'm not brushed up on all my history but then again I'm not bashing any of our older members or wishing they would go away. they are definitely a valuable part of organizations around the world.
Oldman seems to have it right; 3 and 5 I have no idea, 7 is right but as a side note some historians believe this same meteor shower caused the Chicago fire.
Plug Ugly - Back in time, in the big city, when there was competing independant fire companies, certain companies hired ruffians - guys who would fight for whoever paid them. Many of them had been in so many fistfights they were pretty ugly from the beatings.
When there was a fire these ruffians would run to the closest fire hydrant and guard it for the fire company that hired them. Many times there were fights at the hydrants. Civilians began calling these hydrant guarding, fist fighting ruffians - Plug Uglies. So goes the story.
I love this topic. I start each and every training class with a little fire service history. I feel it is important to know where we started to see where we need to go.
1 ben fraklin
2 they were companions to the horses. the ran out in front of the horses to warn others. they chased away other dogs that would scare the horses.
3 rome
4 a sign to designate what fire company protected a structure.
5 fights over fire plugs when the first water only were paid.
6 irish firefighter
7 the great prestige fire it was a wildland interface.
8 new york
9 they used speaking bugles or speaking trumpets to call out orders
10 thomas jefferson