To all my brothers and sisters in the fire and ems service.

I want o start a virtrual bar here on this site. This is will be a place where we can stop and say howdy and have a few drinks and visit with each other. We gather for sport events, have a few drinks or have a meal. Or just what ever we want to do. Remember this is a virtual bar.

To start things off. We have a soild four side Oak Bar with Brass foot rest with Soild Oak bar stools. Have 10 big Soild Oak tables w/chairs that seat 10 people per table. We have a game room w/ three pool tables. I'll leave the vedio games up to the ones that play them things on what they want to add. We have a big 20 X 30 Deck out back w/ two Spas. We have 6 big screen plasma TV's 4 in the bar area. One in the game room and one out on tha deck.

The bar is fully stocked. We have pop, water sport drinks for the under age and the non alcoholic Bothers and Sisters.

Feel free to add anything to the saloon as you wish. This can also be a place where new people can stop in and introduce there selves to us and buy us all a drink

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Caleb, good to have you back and you are truly a good man for all you did...

Dennis, That is good to hear.. let them fly (lol) their way home after what they have done..

Bartender..... Genny Light please...
Thanks for the beer Jenn.Corona tonight . Been a long week and its only tuesday.
Ok Dennis, When them boys get home, I want a piece of them!! They keeped calling wanting me to send $$$$,and the reply was "NO"!! I'll have a miller lite draft please!!
You got it floyd would you like a leg or wing lol well rom i got a friend at the airport and he tracking two UFO
heading north so i guess its them boys of ours. well coffee is on we got some grits on the stove help your self to it lunch will be Grill Chesse & chowder today . Deb how you feeling good i hope jen ill take care of that back for you we got a lot of wood that needs to be cut lmao had to go there just relax in the chair jen ill be your servent today ( but dont tell anne or deb lol )
Good Afternoon Everyone I just got a chance to be on and to stop by for a quick Bud or 2, pretty much all is the same pretty hectic around here with the step grand son and my workout routine.
wow that bud went down quick better have another LOL, and a round for everyone on me.
Dennis..... Floyd.... I just received a video from my friends in the U.S. Navy, on those two flying UFO's........ Well, I don't think at least one of them will be coming HOME.... LMAO
Anybody want "DUCK" for dinner?? LMAO!! I'll have a miller lite and a shot of jack please!!
Whats on tap ? aaa screw it double shot of crown.And get one for you and everybody who stops in tonight.
WOW Rom do you know what one it was hope it not ducky jen will kill us but that was one hell of a shot to take one out like that floyd if you can find the duck will cook it lol thanks tim for the drink coffee is on if we find the duck it will be for lunch today
I just fixed my Humidor.
I got it at 70/70
Let's have DRINK!!!!!
Yes Caleb that looks good and jeff a cold one with that duck hurry up and eat it befor jen see it is it ducky or mallard
Burp!!! It was good to!! Momma needs a drink, She just saw that my Truck Co in DC had an vist from Johnny Gage!! Check!! I'll have a miller lite and a shot of jack & Momma wants a shot too!!


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