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Yesterday I went out and purchased the movie "Fireproof" Today I finally watched it and I am totally amazed at how good it is, It definitly is not the typical firefighter movie although there are some good scenes in it. The movie I am sure shows what alot of us can end up doing, getting to tied up with our Departments and forgetting about our loved ones at home. Now I am not saying we all do it, but I know at times its like thats all I know how to talk about, and then I usually tell my wife… Continue

Added by John on February 13, 2009 at 4:23pm — 3 Comments

Need Help.

I am doing a charity project for the Shriners, I am collecting EMS patches fire rescue anything I can get. These patches will made into a quilt and the quilt will be auctioned off and all the money will go to the shriners. If anyone is intrested in helping please send me a pm here or to thanks in advance for the help.
ITK (terri)

Added by itku2er on February 13, 2009 at 4:06pm — 2 Comments

Crash Responder: "We Knew It Wasn't Going To Be a Rescue Mission"

I had the opportunity to speak with Chief Jim Quigley of the East Amherst Fire Department, a 100 percent volunteer department, which responded as mutual aid to the scene of the Continental Airlines commuter plane crash last night. He recalls his first thoughts upon arrival at the scene and discusses some of the fire-suppression effort during his 6 hours on… Continue

Added by Janelle Foskett, FireRescue on February 13, 2009 at 1:30pm — 11 Comments

PS3 Vs. Xbox 360

I know this is not fire related but im finally falling into buying a next gen. system because Resident Evil 5 will be out next month. So please please tell me what i should get. Blu ray isnt that biga of a deal to me. thanks brothers and sisters!

Added by Luis on February 13, 2009 at 12:41pm — No Comments

Plane Crash In My Area

Added by Becka on February 13, 2009 at 2:05am — 1 Comment

Goldfeder Comments on NIOSH Vacant Structures Draft Alert

(See my earlier post on the draft alert.)

Firefighter Nation had a chance to talk with Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder about the recently released draft alert on vacant structures. Chief Goldfeder, who served as a technical reviewer on the document, and is Chair of IAFC Safey, Health and Survival Section,… Continue

Added by Shannon Pieper, FireRescue Magazine on February 12, 2009 at 10:13pm — 1 Comment

training material

evening ya'll I am the training officer at a small rual VFD here in Mississippi we are funded only by fund raisers my budget for training is a wappinga $0.00 thats no joke as ya'll know training is the key to a firefighters survial. If there is any one with any training material they can share that would be great.

Added by Jason on February 12, 2009 at 9:18pm — 1 Comment

How to deal with people who set the standards too high for themselves

So my latest question through my mind that hopefully somebody can shed some light on: I have a particular individual at the station that I am in charge of that consistently talks a big game, as if he were the cats meow when it comes to the fire service. However he is consistently setting the bar for himself so high that he can never attain the level he wants to achieve, and then when he fails he takes it out on himself and everybody around him. Training with this particular individual can be… Continue

Added by Jacob Fouts on February 12, 2009 at 6:44pm — 4 Comments

NIOSH Releases Vacant Structures Alert

NIOSH just released a draft alert on the dangers of fighting fires in vacant/unoccupied structures. The alert includes case studies of four incidents where firefighters died and were injured fighting fires in unoccupied structures.

Many of the recommendations in the alert are unsurprising, if important. In a quick scan, two stood out in my mind:

Establish, clearly mark,… Continue

Added by Shannon Pieper, FireRescue Magazine on February 12, 2009 at 3:14pm — No Comments

Anamosity amongst ourselves

It seems as if the good old boys club has taken a turn for the worst, we are a small dept. with a lot of testosterone and not to mention a slight amount of estrogen (that would be me)!! Their' s so much animosity amongst our people. We are supposed to be a family yet at every turn someone amongst us is cutting someone else down. What happened to the good old days when " i got your back meant something". Our dept. is divided by some invisible line that needs to be relinquished. Let go of the… Continue

Added by Angela K Sjogren on February 12, 2009 at 12:51pm — 4 Comments

The Greatest Job Ever

I was just sitting at home just now and had a thought and not the first time I have had this thought. I and all of us on here have the greatest job ever. At least for me it is, even on bad calls, as long as we do our utmost best, we can say we did do a good job, even though we will always second guess ourselves on what we did, I think that is what motivates us to want to be better at our job, to want to learn more and to practice an train more, so we can always be at the top of our game. Never… Continue

Added by John on February 12, 2009 at 12:42pm — 1 Comment

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...February 11, 2009

I woke up excited today. Despite all my drama surrounding my life, I had something different to do. Today I joined the Morris Township Office of Emergency Management. My study buddy told me about it, and I thought it sounded intriguing and complimented the fire department.

Tonight I got motioned in and right before it we were setting up for the big Valentine Day roses sale at Hillside Hose Company. Many people at the… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on February 11, 2009 at 11:10pm — 1 Comment

Training is important, but is perfect practice really necessary?

From my Kitchen Table blog at:

Vince Lombardi, the legendary Green Bay Packers coach once famously said "Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect."

Old Vince had a good thought but face it, perfect practice on a regular basis is unattainable for most people. More importantly, is perfect practice really important to the fire service?

An unknown author's reply to this was "Practice makes… Continue

Added by Ben Waller on February 11, 2009 at 10:26pm — 13 Comments

The desire of combination departments to just put numbers on the roster.....

So I had a long thought process today about volunteer and combination departments in the area. Alot of departments seem to be enamored with the idea that they must have a good ISO rating or they will never again see anymore tax dollars in the bank.

It's my opinion that the ISO rating is important, but the public safety and the firefighter safety is more important. Am I wrong? I have been witness to agencies in the region that will pad the books with as many firefighters as possible… Continue

Added by Jacob Fouts on February 11, 2009 at 10:13pm — No Comments

Firefighter's Myspace!

I believe this is a better way for firefighters / EMS to communicate and find out very helpful ideas for the fire service, I personally would just like to thank the ones who created firefighter nation and what great commitment they put in to a great website for all firefighter/EMS personell !

Added by Thomas Seabolt on February 11, 2009 at 9:24pm — No Comments

Punishing the wrong people aka Yet Another rant...

I've started this blog 5 times today, and just can't seem to get my thoughts together. So here goes with #6.

A sure way to create dis-harmony, poor moral, and a loss of manpower in a company is to punish the wrong people. Yes, I said "punish the wrong people".

Now you ask "What do you mean the wrong people ?".

The wrong people are the members of your company who "do it right". People who make every possible effort to get the classes, do the drills,… Continue

Added by Richard Shankman on February 11, 2009 at 5:37pm — 2 Comments

Fire Runs

Recently got to go on a mva with the fire department. What a rush! I was apparently quite nervous when the call came out. I did not make the first out squad but did get to go with the Tanker. The firefighter who I went out to the scene with was nothing short of amazing.

I say that because he knew I was nervous. I was already on station when he walked into the station. I was back at the lockers donning my turnout gear when Dave came in and said Let's Roll! I grabbed everything i could… Continue

Added by Bradley Summers on February 10, 2009 at 7:49pm — 5 Comments

An announcement!

It's been since August, but I'm finally an EMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Added by debbie snacks on February 10, 2009 at 7:15pm — 7 Comments

Stimulus Package Update

The full text of the Senate-passed stimulus bill has been posted. Couple notes about fire/EMS funding:


For an additional amount for competitive grants, $500,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2010, for modifying, upgrading, or constructing State and local fire stations: Provided, That up to 5 percent shall be for program administration: Provided further, That no… Continue

Added by Shannon Pieper, FireRescue Magazine on February 10, 2009 at 5:22pm — 24 Comments


If you happen to stop by my Profile feel free to ADD me as A Friend, everyone is welcome here!!
Best of luck and BE SAFE!!

Added by Yooperdaddy on February 10, 2009 at 10:49am — No Comments

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