Ben Waller's Blog – March 2009 Archive (3)

Organizational Schizophrenia

Does your fire department or EMS system suffer from Organizational Schizophrenia?

Most career departments have at least three shifts or platoons. A 24-on/48-off shift schedule is fairly common. In this type of department, different shifts often do things in very different ways, based on the personalities of the firefighters, paramedics, and officers that gravitate to that shift. In departments with a Shift Commander position, each shift often mimics the shift commander's personality… Continue

Added by Ben Waller on March 29, 2009 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Second-Due Syndrome

There is a classic attitude that I've seen in quite a few places throughout my career. It is a side effect from the fact that all of us want to be members of the first company to a fire, but another unit gets to the fire first.

The result is what I call "Second Due Syndrome". If you're not there first, there's a subconscious pressure to drive a little faster, mask up a little quicker, and rush to get into the building before someone else gets all of "our" action.

Second… Continue

Added by Ben Waller on March 13, 2009 at 7:30pm — 11 Comments

Interpretation - Of Standards and Symphonies

From my blog at The Kitchen Table

A symphony orchestra spends a lot of practice time on their musical pieces before they perform in concert.

There is a lesson in that for fire-rescue departments. The time that we - the “orchestra” - spends with our “instruments” and in practicing with each other, the better the "concert" will sound to our audience. Most of us realize how important training on both individual and team skills,… Continue

Added by Ben Waller on March 5, 2009 at 9:00pm — No Comments

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