TŌV - The Entertainment Industry Chaplain
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TŌV - The Entertainment Industry Chaplain's Friends

  • Stevie
  • Child Predator Busters
  • mudnut
  • Gary Horowitz

TŌV - The Entertainment Industry Chaplain's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Other Response Agency Type, N/A
Job Function
President / Administrator / Commissioner
Years in Fire/EMS:
18 Years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Paris, London, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Nashville, Minneapolis
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
About Me:
I want to thank you for wanting to know more about me. From my perspective, who I am isn't about what I do, but is based rather on more intangible things that when balanced result in such things as motivations, actions and ultimately everything I do; for instance my values, my relationship with my family, and most important to me--faith in God.

As a Chaplain my goal is to provide counsel and support for Industry Professionals of all kinds, as well as up-and-coming talent and celebrities (by whatever definition you use for that strangely shifting concept). Our Chaplaincy services would be similar in concept to what military chaplains do, but in corporate and private settings.

In addition to Chaplaincy and our various related and non-related projects, I also find myself assisting others through other avenues such as www.Provips.com, which on MySpace.com is known as "100% Verified Celebrities and MySpace Personalities." My friend Bryant McGill, and his friend, Jim Karol started it at about the same time I was considering something similar. Together, we volunteer our time helping both celebrities and up-and-coming talent protect their online identities from misuse on Social Networking Sites. For example, how may profiles have you found claiming to be your favorite celebrity? Bryant and ProVIPS.com was the subject of a front page Wall Street Journal article on August 21, 2006. The concept was born, in part, out of the frustration famous people have had with MySpace (and other social networking sites), doing little or nothing to protect them, as well as protecting children from unsavory elements like Pedophiles pretending to be famous people and bands. The project has also proven to be constructive in helping up-and-coming to talent connect with people who could take them to the next level; thus the ...and MySpace Personalities.

Being involved in the Industry is in my blood. My family has more than 150 years of experience in the Entertainment Industry all over the world. I am a licensed minister with a background in the arts. I've spoken, taught, performed or preached in thousands of venues worldwide. I am a published poet, done television commercials and worked in theater, both as a lighting designer and an actor. I am a classically trained vocalist who's performed solo, with bands and groups of various musical genres. Other than voice, I learned my first instrument when I was seven. As far as celebrity goes, I'd fit into our ProVips.com "definition of a celebrity" as a "niche celebrity." Most people wouldn't have a clue who I am, yet there are thousands of people of select demographics and venues who would recognize me, or the groups of which I've been a member. I'm probably more well-known by celebrities and up-and-coming talent (or their agents, managers and publicists), than the general public.

I mentioned my family. I am married and have two children. My bride, Michelle, can often be found communicating with people through MySpace and at the Bryant McGill Community.

My staff and I would love to speak with you and be of any assistance we can for you, artists you know or represent, your company--your friend, or your family. I've been immensely blessed and impressed by the power of social networking to connect people. I count among my dearest friends people I would never have otherwise met, because of it. If you know of someone we should meet, don't be afraid to let us know. We love meeting people. It's kind of what Chaplains do!

Warm Regards,

TOV (Pronounced like "stove" without the "s")

Contact Information & Links
We believe prayer is very important, especially when it comes from others who have a heart for the Entertainment Industry and the people in it. We are looking for people from all over the world to pray for what we do 24/7. If you would like to join others who are already committed an hour per month, week, or day, please follow this link: The Entertainment Industry Chaplains Prayer Group Street Team

The Entertainment Industry Chaplains
PO Box 211125
Saint Paul MN 55121
Phone: 651-686-5600
E-mail: Chaplains@TheChaplains.org

Official and Social Networking Sites:
TOV's Wikipedia Entry
TOV's MySpace: http://profile.myspace.com/13422126
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Helping the helpless

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At 7:10am on November 17, 2008, Bee said…
That is the sweetest little baby....bless her, awesome picture....stay safe
At 2:07am on March 26, 2008, David Ebel said…
Greetings from Bakersfield. CA. I serve as Chaplain for the city of Bakersfield Fire Department and the Kern County Fire Department as well as serving in leadership of both CISM teams.

We started this site to encourage responders... designed for responders by responders... Please check it out...

Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders
Stay safe out there and Blessings!

At 9:08pm on August 1, 2007, Child Predator Busters said…

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