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Berlinfirefighter's Friends

  • Lars Ågerstrand
  • Detlef Maushake
  • Firefighter Nation WebChief

berlinfirefighter's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship

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At 6:09am on November 2, 2009, Lars Ågerstrand said…
We are 5 FF in a shift + 2 part-time FF so its a small force comparing to your station:-) But its pretty standard in Sweden with this size.
I do not believe we have any station in Sweden with more then maybe 11-12 FF per shift so its a bit different:-)

I will let you know about a date, maaybe in dec some time but more likely in Jan!
At 5:46am on November 2, 2009, Lars Ågerstrand said…
It would be great if I could visit your station some time in the future!
Am I correct that Treptow is a combination station with both full-time and part-time employees?
Are you 27 full-time FF on every shift?:-O That's a huge station in that case but I may be wrong, my German is not perfect:-)

Aber ich habe Deutsch für mehrere Jahre in der Schule gelernt, aber heute bin ich traurig, dass ich nahm es nicht mehr ernst.
At 3:34pm on October 31, 2009, Lars Ågerstrand said…
Thank yo very much for the information, I will contact them next week!
Hopefully they can help me with this.

Do you think it is possible to visit a station in Berlin too?
I do video documentaries about different stations in different countries and add them to a website so that others can watch, its a great way to view different choices of apparatus and gear.

/ Lars
At 5:34pm on October 30, 2009, Lars Ågerstrand said…
Hi, my name is Lars and I work for the fire and rescue service in Värnamo, Sweden.

I'm trying to get in contact with someone within in the Berlin Feuerwehr and found you here.
I am collecting some educational material from different stations and countries to put them all in one place, like a knowledge bank to use when creating exercises for your own station. Something to draw ideas from.

Do you think it would be possible for me to get a hold of a powerpoint in tactical ventilation/PPV ventilation or what you might call it from you/Berlin feuerwehr?

It will be added to a website translated into English, later you can find several other documents from other stations in return that you can use.

Best regards / Lars
At 11:29pm on February 11, 2009, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
welcome to the Nation. Glad you dropped in to join the group. Your involvement and participation here is important to us all. Dont be shy just jump in and get your feet wet. You will get out of this what you put into it. Lots to do, read and become involved with here. Have fun and be safe.

Chief William Sharp
Southern Oregon Coast
At 3:47pm on February 11, 2009, Detlef Maushake said…
Hi greetings from BS to B !

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