Edmund Ford Power 3rd
  • Male
  • Wheelwright, MA
  • United States
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Edmund Ford Power 3rd's Friends

  • David Francis
  • Forsaken Firefighter
  • Matthew Voges
  • Catlin W
  • Travis
  • Dave LeBlanc
  • mike
  • Leo Cartwright
  • Firefighter Nation WebChief

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Edmund Ford Power 3rd's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
firefighter21 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Massachusetts Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
My training was the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy.
About Me:
I also work in West Boylston, MA. and in Clintin,MA. Monday to Friday
Day Job:
West Boylston,MA. & Clinton,MA.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined because my uncle was a firefighter for so many years and now he is retired and so I though that I would like to be firefighter some day. I also wanted to be one when I was a kid and wanted to be in the same shoes as my Uncle was.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
To be in the brotherhood and help people.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
To help other people in danger.

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 9:04am on September 6, 2010, David Francis said…
right on brother, thanks, what happend did you injure yourself as to why the wife has to write for? be safe your self.
At 9:47pm on August 22, 2010, Forsaken Firefighter said…
In order to facilitate the processing of your request, we ask that you obey the following proceedure. Otherwise we cannot guarantee that your request will be processed.

1. In the SUBJECT LINE of the email, please include the CITY and STATE of the location that needs to be investigated.

2. Address: Include the full address of the location that needs to be investigated.

3. Type of Establishment: RESIDENCE (Personal residence, residence of a friend or relative) or COMMERCIAL (Church, restaurant, hotel, etc)

4. Request Type: Is the request for you personally, for a friend or relative, or just a general suggestion for an investigation.

5. Contact Info: The name of the owners of the location, their email address and phone number.

6. Relationship: Your relationship to the location. (Owner, patron, etc.)

7. Duration: How long has the activity been going on and what type?

8. Frequency: How often does the activity occur and what is the most recent activity? Please describe.

Once you have this information ready, please email it to:

At 9:13pm on August 22, 2010, Forsaken Firefighter said…
They have a branch about 2 hours away from us.... What did you guys need? I have other teams I work with all over the place and might have on in your area.

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