Mariah Leavitt


Virginia Beach, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Fire Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Since 2008
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
MN8-Foxfire Products
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
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  • Alvin Gonzalez

    Hi Mariah,    What "Brotherhood", means to me is being there for your fellow brother or sister firefighter, whether in your dept. or not; when things get hot..., be it it a small fire, an all hands, a mutual aid, sickness, accident, personal or family problem, birth or death. Just being there for one another, just like family. Because just like family, though we may not always agree, we need to be there for one another. This especially holds true if we are to help others. Take care!


  • Alvin Gonzalez

    Hi Mariah,  Hope all is well with you? Thanks for the add. Yeah, those Foxfire Glow in the dark products are really cool and innovative! Take care and enjoy the weekend!


  • Chris Severa

    Looks like nobody's bothered you in a while so here I am! Have a good day!