
41, Male

Salsomaggiore Terme, Foligno, Coventry


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer, Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
since 1999
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
A.P. Salsomaggiore Terme
A.A.P. Croce Bianca Foligno
Vigili del Fuoco
A.P. Croce Gialla Falconara
Croce Rossa Italiana
118 Emilia Romagna
118 Parma Soccorso
118 Foligno Soccorso
My Training:
Instructor A.E.D. ERC/IRC 2005 guidelines;
Executor A.E.D. ERC/IRC 2005 guidelines;
Firefighter course at Comando Provinciale Vigili del Fuoco, Parma, Italy;
Basic training of EMT at Italian Red Cross, Fidenza, Italy and Assistenza Pubblica, Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I've initially become a Pioneer components of Italian Red Cross at 16 years old. With Red Cross I worked to "Emergency Po river 2000". A 18 years old I've become a volunteer career in civilian protection in one association called "N.O.I.S.E."; with this I worked to national emergencies called "Emergency Po river 2001" and "Emergency Molise earthquake 2002" and join EMT-B (A.E.D.) volunteer into "Assistenza Pubblica Salsomaggiore Terme"; in the 2002 I've passed exams for join volunteer of National Corps Of Firefighter in Italy; in the 2004 become a university students of "Disaster management" at University of Perugia, in Foligno, Italy, and the same year volunteer EMT-B (A.E.D.) of "Assistenza Pubblica Croce Bianca Foligno". In summer 2007 we going to volunteer exchange program of "Assistenza Pubblica Croce Gialla Falconara" for one week.

Throughout my work done so far, I have never received a salary. In Italy most of the services are made by volunteers, as well as provide time for the State and for others, is not rewarded.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
If you awoken a toxic with a NARCAN, he angry?

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  • The God and Goddess

    Ciao Andrea,

    Lei non mi sa! Sono passato attraverso i Gruppi di FFN di vedere se ci sono qualunque da Italia. Nel processo, ero cablare nella pagina che mostra delle persone che vivono in Italia.

    Mi chiamo Melanie. Cerco sempre gli amici di penna dagli altri paesi. Se lei fa non ciò che questo, per favore accetta poi le mie scuse ed il mio disreguard.
  • Alessandro

    thx for the add Andrea. opsss Grazie per l'amicizia...ciaooo
  • Alessandro

    Ciaooo, azz qui del bel paese siamo pochini....però fa sempre piacere conoscere gente nuova. Però quando trovo qualche ITA mi fa ancora più piacere....ciao alla prox