
45, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
4 (2000-2004)
Years With Department/Agency
4 years
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I was on a volunteer fire department as a firefighter and EMT, a separate volunteer rescue squad as an EMT, and over the course of those 4 years I also worked for 2 paid ambulance services.
My Training:
EMT-B. Twice took the bridge to cardiac tech class but even though I had passing grades, both times I didn't feel ready to take the test.
Went to college in the paramedic program afterward. All A's in my first semester, dropped in the middle of the 2nd semester to move from Virginia to Georgia to get married, but was maintaining mostly A's and 1 B.
About Me:
I mainly liked volunteer work. Even after becoming a paramedic I wasn't planning to get back onto a paid department. I was discouraged when I moved to Georgia to find that there are no volunteer departments here so I haven't resumed training. Thinking of being an RN instead now. I just always felt fire and EMS was something I didn't need to get paid to do. Even working on the paid departments I was there because it was what I enjoyed, the paychecks were a joke for an EMT-B. I didn't care.
Other than that---I've got 3 kids and am planning on one more in the next year or so. 2 Great Danes, 1 Rat Terrier, 2 Quarter Horses one of whom is pregnant. So it's not like I have alot of time left over for fire/EMS right now anyway lol. Maybe I'll have time to get back into it before I'm too OLD to get back into it! I miss it so bad.
I also like to make Slides, I'll try and post some in a little bit and change them out every so often. I'll be wanting to make one for SAR and Schutzhund dogs so in the near future I'll be asking ya'll for your fave pics of them so I can make a good one. I'll let ya'll know when I'm ready to work on that one.
Day Job:
Just what's in the line of duty of being a house-wife. Boring.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I thought it would be exciting and I was right. One night me and my first husband saw the beginning of a forest fire and called it in. He had been a vol FF and went to help but told me I couldn't go because I had no experience and they wouldn't let a woman help anyway. I put in my application that week. Wouldn't let a woman help my butt! I was the only woman FF but those boys treated me like they appreciated having me there, they taught me instead of telling me to stand back and stay out of the way.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It sounds cliche but really the joy of giving. I liked being there for people when they needed help. I orriginally just joined the fire department, but went to EMT class to be a better FF and when I precepted I found out I liked the med stuff even better so that's where my focus went. I loved the opportunities I had to grow as a person.

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  • Scott S

    Thanks for the add. The dog in on my profile was my buddy Smokey. He passed away last year. You have some great looking dogs rather big. Take care and SS
  • Ron Maddox

    Welcome to FFN
    Be safe and have fun

    hey Rebecca yea we did whats going on in your life now