
, Male

Phoenix, AZ

United States

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Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Combination Fire Rescue Department
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    I use the SAW too (M249) It's range is similar to the 240B, but its actual EFFECTIVE range is a little more than/about half of, the other two. The 249 weighs 15 lbs (not counting a magazine or ammo box) - about 10 lbs lesss than the 240B and 70 lbs less that the M2. if the M2 isn't mounted on a vehicle, you need the tripod, which weights another 30 lbs - and moving ammo for the M2 is another story. When the M2 is carried in the field, it takes 3 soldiers to carry it in. (Maximum range about 4.25 miles) The M249 is great at close range and acutually fires more rounds per minute than the other two, so it's perfect if you are firing at a close target/thin skinned vehicle. I had to carry my 240B for a straight ten miles one night (on top of everything in my ruck, IBA, helmet water etc) , marching up and down hills...I was really wishing hard a few times that I'd had been asigned to the 249/SAW instead...have a great day! Suzanne

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    El éxito de esta página ha permitido la comunicación entre Bomberos que se encuentran a largas distancias y el intercambio de información profesional a pesar de sus diferencias culturales, se han formado grupos de Bomberos Voluntarios de distintos lugares como México, Chile, Brasil, Argentina, Bomberos Latinoamericanos, etc. Pero muchos de ellos se encontraron con la dificultad de tener que manejar una pagina íntegramente editada en ingles y esto ha frustrado el impulso por conocer camaradas de otros lados.
    Por eso es que decidí crear un espacio para los Bomberos Voluntarios de todas partes del mundo similar a la "Nación" pero con la particularidad de que esta editada en castellano y buscando reunir a aquellos que sientan que son parte de esta Hermandad; la familia de Bomberos Voluntarios.