Jason McDonald


Pasig City Philippines


Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Fire Chief/Commisioner
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
International Responder for Emergencies and Disasters (IRED)
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
My Training:
Firefighting 1 & 2
Advanced Firefighting
FEMA Professional Certificate as well as many FEMA courses.
Urban Search and Rescue
Maritime Search and Rescue
Aviation Search and Rescue

Many more...
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have always loved meeting new people and gaining experience. Also, being in this line of business I can provide better care for me family.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Its great to see the smiles on peoples faces and then a week later they are still greatful.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of equipment for personal protection. I keep seeing people respond to fire scenes in flip flops and a helmet. If they are lucky they have a bunker.

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  • Mikaël

    Hello, I am interested by exchanging our sweats.
  • RON aka "LUCKY"

    jason, thanks for the add ,,,, i can tell and see by your pics that your in this for the good it does and not the glory ,,, sandels, tee-shirts and buckets if that's what it takes ,,,, i would be honored to wear one of your shirts but would feel bad taking it ,,,, it sounds like your still fighting to get every thing you can, so save the postage and cost of the tee and put that money to good use down there ,,,, give it to a new guy or kid that looks up to you ,,,,

    keep doing the great job your doing and know that it does make a difference in people's lives ,,,, if you'd like to keep in touch, please do ,,, but like i tell everyone that adds me, your bad now because your gonna have to write once in awhile to help me remember who you are ,,, but your story and profile is so unique, it's gonna be hard to forget you and the work your doing ,,,, you are living the reason we all embark on this career and that's to make a difference ,,,, (and to drive big red trucks lmao ,,,, ) good luck, be careful and stay safe brother ,,,, and thanks again for the offer, i mean that ,,,, train hard but love life harder ,,,,

  • Marty Davis

    i seen your post about your company needing equipment for firefighting? my company has some things that they are willing to give away. email me at marty.39@hotmail.com