
Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS), First Responder, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Frenchtown,Montana/Washington department of natural resources
Years With Department/Agency
15 with washinton / 1 year with frenchtown
My Training:
Day Job:
Construction worker
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Because I enjoy feeling like Im making A difference in someones life.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The thrill of not knowing and being able to help.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
lack of propper training, not enough volunteers as so many regulars are out fighting the war

Comment Wall:

  • Sharla

    Thanks for asking, I look forward as well, be safe while your away...