William Williams

40, Male

Savannah, Ga

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
NPQ Hazmat Technician
NPQ Rope Rescue Technician
NPQ Instructor II
American Heart Association BLS Instructor
NHTSA Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST)
Georgia Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Instructor
......and many more ;)
Day Job:
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  • Ben Waller

    We didn't get anything but some really crappy weather from T.S. Fay, but we've been having way more working fires than is the norm for Hilton Head. We've had an unusual number of bad fires from the severe lightning storms we've had off and on for the past two months.

    We're building a new station on the north end, construction on our new training center has started, and we get the first of 10 new pumpers in about 3 to 4 weeks...not bad for the worst budget year we've had in a while.

    Hilton Head is a pretty good place to work. We don't get the amount of working fires that Savannah does, but we do enough to stay interesting but we don't get hammered that often.

    We don't do very much rope rescue work, but I did enough of that in my days with Chattanooga/Hamilton County and with Greenville County to know theory from effective practice.

    Stay safe on your side of the Savannah River, brother.
  • Deva

    Just a quick hello from Bryan County EMS in Ella Bell!
  • Sandra (Ga's Finest)

    Whats going on?