Asst. Chief Bigshow

50, Male

Toombs County, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
3 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
South Thompson Volunteer Fire Dept., Toombs County, GA
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
About Me:
My name is Donald. I've been married to my wife Felicia for 8 years. We have 3 children, Madison 10, Isaiah 7, and Brandon 5. I work for the Toombs County Sheriffs Office. I am also a firefighter. I am the Captain at my dept. I love what I do and do what I love.
Day Job:
Toombs County S.O.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I like the rush, and enjoy helping people. Some people call us heroes, but we realize that risking our lives for others is what we do. It's our job. We run in when all others are running out.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The action, being able to save someones life and/or personal property.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety is #1.

Comment Wall:

  • nwmi_firefighter

    Thanks for the blog comment!...remember "Omnis Cedo Domus" (Everyone Goes Home!)
  • The God and Goddess

    My accident happened back in 1998. Soon after the accident...the company that I had worked for, closed its doors. I still have a lawsuit against the city I worked for because since day medical bills haven't been paid! The guy who did this to me...took his life by overdosing on street drugs. Every day I am in great pain, but I still go to work. I am on heavy duty pain med's. There are some days, I wish that I can take a rifle and shoot my leg off or cut the damn thing off myself. I feel bad that I am putting my wife through this...she's been a real help. I worry that she might leave me, but she reassures me every time that she's not gonna leave...she's my best-friend, a great mom and wife.
  • The God and Goddess