Andrew Smith

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Somers Vol. Fire Dept
Years With Department/Agency
About a year
Day Job:
Admin Assistant, Cybersettle
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Wanted to do something out of the oridinary day to day routine. When I first started I worked at a supermarket, you can Imagine how much that sucks. So The FD has given me something to be pumped for. The experience so far has been more than good, never knew how hardcore this business is, well Im finding out and love it.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Adrenaline rush.

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  • Shane Simpson

    Hey Bro,
    I thought you might want to know the latest with the post-mill fire. When last we talked, not much was certain. The latest is that the majority of the burned structure is down...asbestos has been removed and the outter walls that are still standing are amazingly still structurally sound. I spoke with the owner two days ago and the newest plans are all 65 businesses are returning. There will also be a cinema, possibly a bowling alley, a few restaurants, condos, and modern apartments with underground parking. The remnants are coming along quite well...the owner and myself and few others have also started a fire museum directly across from the building in the old "Original" Uxbridge fire station (1890) that was added on to house mill vehicles. We now have the 7 bays for a fire/town museum...mostly fire. We will be putting a 1923 Ahrens Fox (fully functional) in the bay and we are planning demonstrations too with the truck. I will most definitely keep you posted if you are interested. Stay safe bro!
  • Shane Simpson

    Hey bro,
    I have posted 3 new photos from today. The latest news regarding the mill was started by an unpermited welding spark--no permit was issued by the fire dept. After careful investigation, it was also discovered that a critical section of the sprinklers was locked...again unauthorized. Needless to say, citations have been issued; but rebuilding is still happening. Reconstruction is planned to start right after New Years.
    Well, that's the latest. I'll keep you posted. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
  • sherry miles