Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Years in Fire/EMS:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
N/A.... I never was, as most kids growing up I wanted to be a fireman. The most honerable profession I can think of, but I was born with spina bifida and use a wheelchair for mobility and at a young age reality set in and I knew it would not happen. Anyone in your profession has my utmost respect and admiration. You men and women are the true SUPER HEROS.

Comment Wall:

  • Firefighter Nation WebChief

    Welcome to Firefighter Nation!

    Be sure to invite your friends and co-workers in the emergency services. Thanks for helping us grow. Just use the 'Invite More' link in the userbox at the top right of the site, or just e-mail everyone you firefighter you know and tell them about the new site or add a bulletin to your Myspace or Facebook!

    Check out the Groups tab and join any that are appropriate -- such as your state's group -- or start your own, upload photos and video, and more. Thanks for being part of the first week of Firefighter Nation!

    Web Chief

    As part of the life saver community you are more then welcome to join Police Facebook - Worldwide Social Network for active and retired law enforcement officers, volunteers & supporters.
    Avi Lap