Guillaume Morneau

48, Male

Farnham, Québec


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Take a look to my counter ;)
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
SSI Farnham (Farnham FD)
Years With Department/Agency
4 years
My Training:
FFI, Pumper Operator, Extrication.
Day Job:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The adrenalyn rush, helping people and serve the community !

Comment Wall:

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  • Shawna Syth

    No problem.
    stay safe and warm.
    much love from Missouri
    Shawna syth
  • Davi de Souza

    Hello friend fireman, I really like to get some patches of State.
    I will send you two of my patch fire department

    You can send to my address of the fire department:

    Davi de Souza
    Av: Manoel Florentino Machado,62 centro
    Quartel do Corpo de Bombeiros de S/C
    Imbituba S/C Brasil
  • Sarah

    Hey I'm good thanks and you?