
64, Female

Girard, Pennsylvania

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Fairview, PA
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Lake Ciiity Fire Company....never again..... they cry for volunteers, but then they treat them like crap. People don't speak to one another, I mean my Chief at the time couldn't even say "hello"... They are rude and all self absorbed...They have their click and if you don't fit it, wel.... I didn't get to do anything there.. even though I was with that comany for 1 1/2 years.
My Training:
EMT-B, EVOC, BTLS, CPR/AED, Fire Police, Terrorism Awareness, Aircraft Safety, Pumps 1, Nims, Leadesrship 1, and many other con'ed hours...
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I always wanted to be a firefighter, even took the civil service test several years ago, but back problems prevented me to fulfilling that dream, so.. I went to EMS.. I was always interested in the meidcal field. I cannot work due to back njury, so my company is strictly volunteer... plus I always wanted to be a part of a firehouse.. a brotherhood. a family... like i was used to in my hometown of Erie, PA.. Fairview Fire Department is one like I was used to...they are a family..... I was always at the firehouses there, and the guys welcomed me like I was one of them. I understand how they all work together, live together, goof off together, eat together and fight fires and save lives.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
helping people when i can
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Cuts....major cuts in the city of Erie, not enough money for volunteer companies, not enough personnel, not enough recruitment, budget issues...

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  • Tom Kenney

    Thanks for the kind words, hun... and keep up the writing...I've found it to be extremely therapeutic.
    Happy holidays!!
  • Tom Kenney

    Thanks for the kind words, Mary. Your poetry is about love - or lost love? I have some of that also....

    Unconditional Love

    Unconditional love
    is the greatest gift
    anyone can give
    You give it to your children,
    and only to them
    for however long you live

    Your spouse, your parents,
    your siblings, your friends
    and all of the rest
    Must continually prove themselves
    worthy of love
    they must pass the test

    They’re deserving of your
    love and support
    without any conditions
    If they love you
    and respect you through
    all of your transitions

    For life is a constant
    state of change
    and of adjustment
    You need them
    to stand by you
    and not pass judgement

    You can count on your parents
    to be by your side
    for forever and a day
    Likewise, for your children
    you’ll be there
    it’s always been that way

    Precious Love Fades

    Who can tell exactly when
    Her precious love slips away
    It doesn’t come crashing down
    But fades slowly, day by day

    The little things start piling up
    ‘Til they’re no longer small
    Her heart no longer can be reached
    It’s surrounded by a wall

    A wall made of indifference
    To protect her from the hurt
    Of all the disappointments
    That her heart could not avert

    So as she seals her love inside
    And keeps it out of sight
    She begins to lose her enthusiasm
    For that which brought her delight

    She slowly slips into a depression
    That consumes her very soul
    No longer the eternal optimist
    She now simply plays her roles

    The familiar role of supportive mother
    That of a loving wife
    Trying not to let anyone see
    The toll of her everyday strife

    She begins to feel resentment
    For the person she’s become
    She embraces the gloom of the world
    And winds up feeling numb

    She feels she needs to escape
    To get back to herself
    She needs to reach out to someone
    Who can offer her some help

    He’s by far the biggest reason
    She feels so hopeless now
    He doesn’t seem to her, to be
    The same man somehow

    He doesn’t seem to want to try
    To make her happy anymore
    He seems to be more concerned
    With what he can ignore

    She needs to have a future goal
    That she can look forward to
    But thinks he just wants her home
    With no dreams to pursue

    She needs fresh motivation
    To save herself from boredom
    But she just goes on day to day
    Dreaming of her freedom

    He’s moving toward his dreams
    With little concern for today
    Sometimes he doesn’t seem to see
    What she needs along the way

    He thinks that his easy demeanor
    Should put her at ease
    Prevent her from demanding too much
    In order to keep the peace

    The things she used to love about him
    Now seem to be a burden
    So instead of seeing what he’s done
    She dreams what might have been

    He knows that he loves her completely
    And believes she loves him too
    So how in the world can he be so blind
    To what’s making her so blue

    Two people with so much to give
    Seem to be drifting apart
    She just wants to run away
    He wants to hold her heart

    The future is always uncertain
    But I hope these two hold on
    Realize that their two hearts together
    Are stronger than only one

    Copyright 2006 - Tom Kenney
  • Coach

    I have a shepard, but this pic is not him. My is a 65 lb skinny pure black shepard. Doing the solo route with him training for search rescue. Really good dog. Also have a golden (12 yrs old), "wife's dog"....just getting old. The dog I mean, not the wife!