Corin Meehan

50, Male

Bridgton, ME

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Training Officer, Captain
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bridgton Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Augusta ME Fire Department- Career Firefighter/Paramedic, 2002-
Falmouth ME Fire Department- Call Firefighter, 1997-2002
Westbrook ME Fire Department- Call Firefighter, 1996-1998
Newmarket NH Fire Department-Call Firefighter, 1994-1996
Montgomery County MD Department of Fire Rescue Services- Live-in Student/Firefighter, 1993-1994
Madbury NH Fire Department- Call Firefighter, 1991-1994
Durham NH Fire Department- Explorer, 1991-1992
About Me:
I also enjoy outdoor sports, playing music, cooking, reading, and more.
Day Job:
Firefighter/Paramedic- Raymond Fire Dept.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Can't honestly remember, but I'm glad I did. Sounds hokey but this was my calling. FFN member Frank Hammond "recruited" me in Jan. 1991 when we were both in NH.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The challenges, the satisfaction of a job well done, serving my community, and working with my brother and sister firefighters
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Staffing, recruitment and retention, training, safety, declining benchmarks in training and education relative to structural firefighting (ie- not enough time spent on the "basics"), budgetary concerns/the financial crisis, rising utilization (see budgetary concerns), less quality people coming into the field (your area may vary), regionalization (at least in my area), public awareness and support of emergency services...I'm sure I can think of more...

Comment Wall:

  • luke

    hay there corin and welcome to the family stay safe out there
  • Frank Hammond

    Corin - wazzzzuppp!! Great to hear from you. Hoping all is well! Stay safe and stay in touch, bro.
  • Heather

    Who is that incredibly sexy firefighter? Ok now lets not let that comment all go to your head. Stay Safe & Warm!