Georgios Savvidis




Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
1st Athens Fire Station
Years With Department/Agency
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I can help people

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  • Tom Ricotta

    Was watching the news today, and I thought of you.... getting any sleep? I assume you are busy with the Brush Fires, and will be for a while... Good Luck...
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    Hey Good Luck on your exams I am sure that you will do great !! I'll be praying for you !!
    I start classes and I hope that I'll do well too . SSOT (stay safe out there) Hope that we both will do well ! ;-)
    Your Sis in Fire Service,
    Dawn Melody
  • Wójtowicz Sławomir

    helloGeorgios from Poland. Sorry for my delay but I have a some problem with mine health. If you can send me a your fire patch I send you mine adress:

    Slawomir Wójtowicz

    ul.Wieniawskiego 77/4

    68-200 Żary


    Best regards