Aalok Patel



United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Years in Fire/EMS:
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall:

  • Paresh Trivedi

    How are yo doing? Would like to know more about you...as you are only Fire Fighter in USA with patel last name...
    Be in touch!
    With regards,

    Paresh Trivedi
  • Paresh Trivedi

    Thanks for response! As in FFN I search "Patel" only your name came...there may be some who did not become FFN member..but right now we can see on FFN only you...

    Firehouse.com has job page yyou can apply all over the US...You need to add good things to your profile...read some other profiles and get some suitable hint from that...
    What is your native town...we are from Vallabh Vidyanagar..Anand...
    send me your resume pareshtri@gmail.com I will keep looking for you....
    Take care and be safe...
  • Paresh Trivedi

    Try to get maximum training from Fire department if possibleget EMT traiing too...even wildfire fighter training too...they do not have exam for that...only five day training....
    Keep vigilant eye for training.....
