Lt. David Fleming (Ret.)


Sidney, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Lieutenant, Retired
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Shelby County Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
February 17, 1999 to February 17, 2009
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Too numerous to list.
About Me:
I retired February 17, 2009. I hope I am leaving the fire service better than I found it and those behind me do the same.
I served 12 terms as Secretary for the Shelby County Firefighters Association and 7 terms as FD Secretary.
2007 Distinguished Service Award
2007 Grateful Service Award
2005 Distinguished Service Award
2004 Firefighter of the Year
1999 Pusher of the Year
1992 - 1998 Disaster Chairman, Shelby County Chapter of the American Red Cross.
My sons are both certifed FF's and EMS.
My daughter is married to a FF in the US Air Force.
I am blessed to have a very supportive wife.
Day Job:
Licensed Realtor
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To serve those of my community who served me.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Of the integrity and character of those with whom I served!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Ever increasing training demands. Will there ever be enough funds? God bless those who give of their time, earn a living, raise a family and do not forget about the wife!

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  • alejandro montenegro

    thanks fot the comment lou,, this is what i want for life,,, savin lifes
  • kevin elsass

    You know it, lol. I am very strict with my medicine. Hows retirement treating you? Id almost bet you will be back in some form or another. Take care and have a great 4th of july.
  • C.R. Fleming

    :-) Lt. D. Fleming, Thanks for the great comment. Take care and God Bless you and your family.

    Lt. C. Fleming
    Wichita Fire Department