ranni simone




Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
i train wednesday nights,just finished my ARTEP course thats pre-auxilliary training
About Me:
well im a auxilary firefighter have been for last few months before that i was a volunteer firey for 12mths...i enjoy the learning an knowledge of being a firey...i have the best crew at my station we are all one big family....i am also a nursing assistant have been doing that for many years now....i live in a semi urban-rural town..dont get to many calls but more than most....anything else you like to know ask away
Day Job:
nursing assistant
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i joined becuase i have always wanted to give back to the community...and after ash wednesday an black saturday....i thought i might be able to make a difference..a extra set of hands is better than none i say....dont get me wrong its not a easy job..but it is rewarding
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i love it because i get to feel like im making a difference in someones eyes
Top Issues Facing Responders:
the unkowing.....your pager may say one thing but when u get there it could be a different ball game..especially if your 1st on scene....i say go in with open mind an eyes....

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  • luke burns

    hi ranni im from mt isa hope to chat soon :)

  • luke burns

    yeah it flat out here always something happning  yeah i only just found this site wish i had of herd of it earlyer lol it beats facebook lol

  • luke burns

    hi ranni i made you group admin hope you dont mind lol but feel free to add anyone you like we are all one big family here so add away :)