Brandon Roark

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
South Bend Fire Department, South Bend Indiana
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
University Fire Department, Fairbanks, Alaska
Abingdon Fire Department, Abingdon, Virginia
My Training:
My Wallet runnth over
About Me:
South Bend Fire Department
Engine 1
M.A.B.A.S. 201 Tactical Rescue Team
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training and Phyical Health

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  • Ben Waller


    Come see us here on HHI any time.
    The guy you remember used to be the captain of Engine 2 in Sea Pines. He was our training chief for several years, and was my boss while I was a captain in the training division. He recently moved across the bridges, and is now the deputy chief of the Bluffton Township Fire District. I still see him some - he's in the hazmat team command group and still does some training for the team.

    I don't remember the name, but there was a South Bend officer on our Accreditation evaluatin team last year. I know he does swiftwater in the classes at the East Race. We had a couple of conversations about it, since I do swiftwater as well.

    The next time you visit, I'll get you in touch with Mick Mayers. He's a Notre Dame football addict from waaaay back.
  • Doug

    You are everywhere ....
  • Bert James Ference

    Damn dude are you an Irish fan?! Went to a home game every season since I was 3 must be awesome to work there.